The table shows the average temperature for a five-month period.

Month Temperature (°F)
August 70°F
September 68°F
October 64°F
November 60°F
December 54°F
What trend would be shown on a graph of these temperatures?

(1 point)

The temperatures are cooling during those five months.
The temperatures are cooling during those five months.

The temperatures are warming during those five months.
The temperatures are warming during those five months.

The temperatures stay the same during those five months.
The temperatures stay the same during those five months.

The temperatures have no trend that can be seen.

The temperatures are cooling during those five months.

The chart shows the average low temperatures of an area over four months.

Month Temperature (ºF)
April 45°F
May 48°F
June 50°F
July 55°F
If the temperatures are graphed, which bar on the graph will be the longest?

(1 point)

the bar for July
the bar for July

the bar for April
the bar for April

the bar for June
the bar for June

the bar for May

the bar for July

Weather and Climate Unit Test

11 of 1311 of 13 Items

The table shows climate data for Austin, Texas.

Climate Data for Austin, Texas (1981–2010)
Precipitation (in.) Temperature (ºF)
March 2.51 59
April 2.28 67
May 2.66 75
June 4.38 81
Which statement about the climate in spring in Austin, Texas, is correct?

(1 point)

It is usually warmer in April than in March.
It is usually warmer in April than in March.

It always rains more in June than in May.
It always rains more in June than in May.

The temperature in May is 75ºF every day.
The temperature in May is 75ºF every day.

There will be more than 2 inches of rainfall next April.
There will be more than 2 inches of rainfall next April.
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It is usually warmer in April than in March.

A bar graph shows the average temperatures for the first four days in March. The average temperature for each day is listed.

March 1 was 52°F.
March 2 was 54°F.
March 3 was 56°F.
The average temperature for March 4 followed the temperature trend. Which most likely was the temperature on March 4?

(1 point)






Ali says the climate of a town is rainy because it is raining outside today. Is she correct? In one or two sentences, explain why Ali is or is not correct about the climate of the town.(2 points)

Ali is not correct about the climate of the town just because it is raining outside today. Climate refers to the average weather conditions in a place over a long period of time, not just a single day's weather.

In order to determine the trend shown on a graph of these temperatures, you should observe the values and see if there is a consistent pattern. In this case, we can see that the average temperatures decrease as the months progress.

Starting with August at 70°F, the temperature drops to 68°F in September, then to 64°F in October, 60°F in November, and finally reaches 54°F in December.

This consistent decrease in temperature indicates that the trend shown on the graph is that the temperatures are cooling during those five months.