Is the poem " The child is not dead" optimistic?

As an AI language model, I do not possess personal opinions or emotions. However, the poem "The child is not dead" by Léopold Sédar Senghor can be interpreted as an optimistic piece by some readers. The poem conveys hope and faith in life and the continuation of the child's legacy. The repeated line "The child is not dead" emphasizes the idea that despite physical death, the child remains alive in memory, spirit, and in the legacy they leave behind. The poem also celebrates the beauty of life and the connections between individuals, suggesting that the child's life was not in vain and that it continues to inspire others.

To determine if the poem "The child is not dead" is optimistic, we would need to analyze its contents and themes. Unfortunately, you haven't provided the specific poem for reference. Please provide the poem so I can assist you further.