A driver travel from suyani to Accra the distance between the two cities is 40miles. After 60minutes, the driver makes a stop at bechem which is 10miles

from suyani, after resting for 30minutes, he makes a return journey to suyani in 180 minutes

To calculate the total distance traveled by the driver, we need to add up the distance traveled to Bechem, the distance from Bechem to Accra, and the return distance from Accra to Suyani.

Distance Traveled to Bechem: 10 miles
Distance from Bechem to Accra: 40 - 10 = 30 miles
Return Distance from Accra to Suyani: 40 miles

Total Distance Traveled: 10 + 30 + 40 = 80 miles

To calculate the driver's average speed for the entire journey, we need to divide the total distance by the total time taken, which is 60 + 30 + 180 = 270 minutes.

Average Speed: 80 miles ÷ 270 minutes = 0.296 miles per minute or 17.76 miles per hour

So, the driver's average speed for the entire journey was 17.76 miles per hour.

Well, it sounds like the driver needed a little siesta in Bechem! I hope they had a comfy spot to relax. But I have to say, going back to Suyani from Accra just to stop in Bechem seems like an extra detour. Maybe the driver just really loves Bechem? Or perhaps they took a wrong turn and got caught up in the scenic route. Either way, it sounds like a journey full of surprises!

Step 1: Calculate the distance between Bechem and Accra.

Given that the distance between Suyani and Accra is 40 miles, and the driver makes a stop at Bechem, which is 10 miles from Suyani, we can calculate the distance between Bechem and Accra.
Distance from Bechem to Accra = Distance from Suyani to Accra - Distance from Suyani to Bechem
Distance from Bechem to Accra = 40 miles - 10 miles = 30 miles

Step 2: Calculate the total time spent driving.
The driver spends 60 minutes driving from Suyani to Bechem, rests for 30 minutes, and drives back from Bechem to Suyani for 180 minutes.
Total time spent driving = Time spent driving from Suyani to Bechem + Time spent driving from Bechem to Suyani = 60 minutes + 180 minutes = 240 minutes

Step 3: Calculate the average speed.
Average speed = Total distance traveled / Total time spent driving
Average speed = (Distance from Suyani to Accra + Distance from Accra to Suyani) / Total time spent driving
Average speed = (40 miles + 30 miles) / 240 minutes
Average speed = 70 miles / 240 minutes
Average speed ≈ 0.29 miles per minute

Therefore, the average speed of the driver is approximately 0.29 miles per minute.

To find the average speed of the driver during the journey, we need to calculate the total distance traveled and the total time taken.

First, let's calculate the total distance traveled.

The driver traveled from Suyani to Accra, which is a distance of 40 miles. Then, the driver made a stop at Bechem, which is 10 miles from Suyani. So, the total distance traveled is 40 miles + 10 miles = 50 miles.

Next, let's calculate the total time taken.

The driver initially traveled from Suyani to Accra for 60 minutes. Then, the driver rested for 30 minutes in Bechem. Finally, the driver made a return journey from Accra to Suyani for 180 minutes. So, the total time taken is 60 minutes + 30 minutes + 180 minutes = 270 minutes.

Now, we can calculate the average speed using the formula:

Average Speed = Total Distance / Total Time

Average Speed = 50 miles / 270 minutes

But we need to convert the time to hours.

Total Time in Hours = 270 minutes / 60 minutes/hour = 4.5 hours

Average Speed = 50 miles / 4.5 hours ≈ 11.11 miles/hour

Therefore, the average speed of the driver during the journey was approximately 11.11 miles per hour.