Read the paragraph.

Jamile is a recording secretary of our school's student council. His primary job is to take notes at each meeting and present a brief summary at the next one. But Jamile's summaries include almost every comment from every council member. Dina has told him that the only problem with his presentations is that they _______.

What phrase would would add VERBAL IRONY to the paragraph?

take too much time to read
run longer than the meetings
aren't sufficiently brief
include minor details

"Oh yeah, Jamile's summaries are just a real page-turner."

Which one?

take too much time to read
run longer than the meetings
aren't sufficiently brief
include minor details

"aren't sufficiently brief"

VERBAL irony.

"Jamile's summaries are just so wonderfully brief."

What BEST explains why the author ends the story about Isabella Goodwin with the underlined page sentences on page 6 of "The Maid"?

The author ends the story about Isabella Goodwin with the underlined page sentences on page 6 of "The Maid" to emphasize the obstacles and challenges that Isabella Goodwin faced throughout her life. Even with her education and drive, Goodwin faced the systemic obstacles of her time in America that were designed to keep women and people of color in subordinate positions, leading her to take extreme measures in order to get ahead and ultimately lead a successful life. The underlined sentences are meant to highlight the many rules and regulations that were designed to control women's behavior at the time, which was one of the obstacles that Goodwin had to overcome. By highlighting these sentences, the author makes it clear that Goodwin's drive and determination were not enough to succeed, and that she had to navigate a hostile society to achieve her goals.

Answer the previous question in multiple choice.

1. To suggest that Isabella may be in danger when her disguise is finally exposed
2. To suggest that Isabella needs the support of other detectives in order to be successful
3. To suggest that Isabella will readily embrace change in order to keep working as a detective
4. To suggest that Isabella will soon be overshadowed by other, more successful detectives

5. To emphasize the obstacles that Isabella Goodwin faced throughout her life, particularly the systemic obstacles of gender and race in America.

Answer from one of the four available answers.