What is the summary of the novel “white fang”?

"White Fang" is a novel by Jack London that tells the story of a wild wolf-dog hybrid named White Fang. The novel is set in the Yukon Territory of Canada during the Klondike Gold Rush of the 1890s. It follows White Fang's journey from a wild animal to a domesticated one through his experiences with various masters.

The novel begins with the story of White Fang's birth in the wilderness and his struggle to survive as a pup. He eventually becomes a member of a pack of wolves and learns to hunt and fend for himself in the harsh wilderness. However, when they encounter humans for the first time, the pack is brutally hunted and killed, leaving White Fang to fend for himself once again.

White Fang's journey takes him from being owned by cruel masters who mistreat him to having kind ones who help him learn to trust humans and become domesticated. The novel explores themes of nature versus nurture and the impact that environment has on an animal's behavior. It also delves into the relationship between humans and animals and the different ways in which they interact.

In the end, White Fang becomes a loyal companion to his final owner and is forever changed by his experiences with humanity, both good and bad. The novel has been praised for its vivid depictions of the wilderness and its exploration of complex themes related to animal behavior and human-animal relationships.

Summary of the novel "White Fang":

"White Fang" is a novel written by Jack London that tells the story of a wolf-dog hybrid named White Fang. The story takes place during the Klondike Gold Rush in the 1890s in Yukon, Canada.

The novel is divided into two parts. The first part focuses on White Fang's early life in the wild. Born in the wilderness, he learns to survive by fighting for food and dominance against other animals. White Fang's early experiences shape him into a fierce and ruthless creature.

As he grows older, White Fang's life takes a different turn when he encounters humans. He is captured by an Indian tribe and is forced to adapt to life amongst humans. Under the care of Grey Beaver, an Indian, White Fang slowly learns to trust humans and develops a sense of loyalty. However, he still struggles with his wild instincts and remains an unpredictable and dangerous animal.

In the second part of the novel, White Fang is sold to a cruel and abusive dog-fighter named Beauty Smith. Forced to fight against other dogs, White Fang becomes even more vicious and aggressive. The brutal treatment pushes him to the brink of insanity.

White Fang's life takes a positive turn when he is rescued by Weedon Scott, a kind-hearted man who recognizes White Fang's potential for gentleness. Weedon treats him with kindness and patience, introducing White Fang to a life of love and compassion. Through Weedon's care, White Fang learns to trust humans again and becomes a loyal and devoted companion.

The novel explores the themes of nature versus nurture, the cruelty of humanity, and the capacity for redemption. It depicts the challenges faced by an animal torn between its wild instincts and the influence of humans.

Overall, "White Fang" is a gripping tale of survival, transformation, and the power of love and compassion to overcome cruelty.