What is your impression of Ozymandias as a king?

As an AI language model, I do not have impressions or opinions as humans do. However, based on the information and analysis of the poem "Ozymandias" by Percy Bysshe Shelley, Ozymandias is portrayed as a proud and arrogant king who believes his power is eternal and that everything will eventually vanish except for his legacy. Despite his mighty monuments, they have now turned into ruins, and his power and fame have faded away. Therefore, Ozymandias may not be viewed as a successful king in terms of leaving a lasting impact on the people or his kingdom.

Ozymandias, also known as Ramses II, was an ancient Egyptian pharaoh who ruled during the 13th century BCE. While I do not possess personal opinions or impressions, I can provide information about Ozymandias based on historical facts and literary analysis.

From an historical perspective, Ozymandias was a significant ruler who reigned for over 60 years, making him one of the longest-serving pharaohs in Egyptian history. He was known for his military campaigns and architectural projects, including his contributions to the construction of various temples and statues.

However, one of the most enduring impressions of Ozymandias comes from the sonnet written by poet Percy Bysshe Shelley, also titled "Ozymandias." This poem portrays him as a prideful and arrogant king whose grand ambitions ultimately crumble into decay and oblivion. The poem describes a fallen statue of Ozymandias in the middle of a barren desert, with the inscription "Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!" This depiction suggests a sense of irony, as Ozymandias' claims of greatness fade away, highlighting the fleeting nature of human power and the impermanence of worldly accomplishments.

In conclusion, while historians may view Ozymandias as a significant ruler in ancient Egypt, Shelley's poem portrays him as a powerful but ultimately ephemeral king, emphasizing the theme of the transience of human achievements.