Mai and Sid split their savings in the ratio 7:6. Sid gets £51. How much do they have in total?

We can start by representing the ratio 7:6 as a fraction of the total amount they have:

7/13 for Mai
6/13 for Sid

We know that Sid gets £51, which represents the 6/13 part of the total amount. We can use this information to find the total amount:

6/13 = 51/x

Where x is the total amount they have.

To solve for x, we can cross-multiply and simplify:

6x = 13 * 51
6x = 663
x = 663/6
x ≈ £110.50

Therefore, the total amount they have is approximately £110.50.

To find out the total savings of Mai and Sid, we need to calculate the total value of 1 part of the ratio.

Since the ratio of Mai and Sid's savings is 7:6, we can say that the total number of parts is 7+6 = 13.

To find the value of 1 part, we divide Sid's savings (£51) by the number of parts representing Sid's share (6):

51 / 6 = £8.50

Now that we know the value of 1 part, we can calculate the total savings of Mai and Sid.

Mai's savings: 7 parts x £8.50 = £59.50

Sid's savings: 6 parts x £8.50 = £51.00

Total savings = Mai's savings + Sid's savings

Total savings = £59.50 + £51.00 = £110.50

Therefore, Mai and Sid have a total of £110.50 in savings.