Usually an allegory (fairy tales) has a relatively simple moral or lesson. Lord Acton’s pronouncement “Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely” may come to mind. How and why is this statement applicable to the course of the events in the novel?

The statement "Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely" is highly applicable to the course of events in the novel. Throughout the story, the pigs slowly gain more and more power, eventually becoming the absolute rulers of the farm. As their power increases, the pigs become more corrupted, abusing their authority and treating the other animals poorly.

For example, Napoleon, the main pig in power, alters the Seven Commandments to suit his own needs and desires, showing his disregard for the principles the farm was founded upon. He also becomes more cruel and brutal, using his secret police force to suppress any dissent and punish those who oppose him.

The other pigs also become corrupted by power, living in luxury while the other animals work hard and struggle to survive. This highlights the dangerous consequences of unchecked power and the importance of maintaining checks and balances to prevent corruption and abuse of power.

Overall, the allegory of Animal Farm serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of tyranny and the corrupting influence of absolute power.

To analyze how Lord Acton's pronouncement "Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely" is applicable to the course of events in a novel, you need to identify instances where power plays a significant role and examine how it affects the characters and their actions. Here's a step-by-step breakdown of how you can approach this question:

1. Identify instances of power in the novel: Look for characters or situations where power dynamics are evident. This could include characters holding positions of authority, having control over resources, or exerting influence over others.

2. Analyze the effects of power: Examine how power influences the characters' behavior and decisions. Does it change their moral compass, lead them to compromise their principles, or allow them to act in ways they wouldn't otherwise? Look for specific examples or instances where power negatively impacts characters.

3. Consider the progression of corruption: Evaluate if there is a gradual progression of corruption as characters gain more power. Does power initially tempt characters but eventually lead them down a destructive path? Look for patterns or a clear trajectory of how power corrupts characters over time.

4. Examine the implications of absolute power: Explore how the concept of absolute power ties into the corruption theme. Does the narrative demonstrate that absolute power has a more potent corrupting influence than lesser forms of power? Look for evidence that supports Acton's pronouncement in the novel's events and character development.

5. Draw connections between Acton's pronouncement and the novel: Link specific examples and instances of power-related corruption in the novel to Acton's pronouncement. Explain how the events in the novel demonstrate the validity of Acton's statement. Discuss whether the author intended to convey this message or if it emerged organically from the story.

By systematically analyzing power dynamics, character choices, and the consequences of power, you can examine how Lord Acton's pronouncement applies to the events in the novel. Make sure to provide specific examples and textual evidence to support your analysis.