what Resources relevant to the objectives of teaching about sport and games. include havard referencing

1. Cooper, J., & Dyson, B. (2017). Sports coaching: A reference guide for students, coaches, and competitors (2nd ed.). Routledge.

2. Griggs, G. (2018). The psychology of sport and exercise: An evidence-based approach. Routledge.

3. Marsh, D. W., & Plunkett, S. W. (2015). Play and recreation for individuals with disabilities. Human Kinetics.

4. Siedentop, D., & Tannehill, D. (2018). Developing teaching skills in physical education. Routledge.

5. Weiss, M. R., Stuntz, C. P., & Maehr, M. L. (2017). Motivation and sport: Understanding and applying motivation in sport settings (3rd ed.). Human Kinetics.


Cooper, J., & Dyson, B. (2017). Sports coaching: A reference guide for students, coaches, and competitors (2nd ed.). Routledge.

Griggs, G. (2018). The psychology of sport and exercise: An evidence-based approach. Routledge.

Marsh, D. W., & Plunkett, S. W. (2015). Play and recreation for individuals with disabilities. Human Kinetics.

Siedentop, D., & Tannehill, D. (2018). Developing teaching skills in physical education. Routledge.

Weiss, M. R., Stuntz, C. P., & Maehr, M. L. (2017). Motivation and sport: Understanding and applying motivation in sport settings (3rd ed.). Human Kinetics.

When it comes to teaching about sport and games, there are various resources that can be helpful. Here are some examples:

1. Books:
- Title: "Sport and Physical Education: The Key Concepts" by Tim Chandler and Mike Cronin
- Author: Chandler, T., & Cronin, M.
- Year: 2013

2. Academic Journals:
- Title: "Teaching and Teacher Education"
- Author: Various authors
- Year: Ongoing publication

3. Websites:
- Title: The Teaching Sport and Physical Activity Resource
- URL: https://teachingsportandphysicalactivity.weebly.com/
- Accessed: [Enter date]

4. Online Courses:
- Title: "Introduction to Sports Ministry" offered by Moody Bible Institute Online
- URL: https://www.moody.edu/online/online-programs/certificate-in-sports-ministry/
- Accessed: [Enter date]

Remember to use proper Harvard referencing format when citing these resources in your work. The format for referencing would look like this:

1. Book:
- Author Last Name, Author Initials. (Year). Title. Place of Publication: Publisher.

2. Journal Article:
- Author Last Name, Author Initials. (Year). Title of Article. Journal Name, Volume(Issue), Page numbers.

3. Website:
- Author Last Name, Author Initials (or Website Name if no author). (Year). Title of Webpage. [Online] Available at: URL [Accessed Date].

4. Online Course:
- Course Title (Year). [Online] Available at: URL [Accessed Date].

Make sure to consult the specific guidelines provided by your institution for Harvard referencing to ensure accuracy.