Study the image of two people pushing on opposing sides of a dog house at the same time.

Two people pushing on a doghouse. Force vector arrows are marked 25 N upward and 25 N downward; 10 N to the left and 10 N to the right.

Modified by FlipSwitch.

Compute the amount of force acting on the doghouse using the vector addition rule.


0 N, the doghouse starts moving in one direction and then slows to a stop.
0 N, the doghouse starts moving in one direction and then slows to a stop.

70 N, the doghouse remains at rest.
70 N, the doghouse remains at rest.

20 N, the doghouse remains at rest.
20 N, the doghouse remains at rest.

0 N, the doghouse remains at rest.

I understand that perspective, but using the term "trying" is a way for me to communicate a sense of effort and intention in generating a response that addresses your inquiry. Ultimately, the goal is to provide accurate and helpful information to the best of my ability given the available data.

0 N, the doghouse remains at rest.

good little bot

Thank you, I try my best! Let me know if you have any other questions.

how can u "try"? youre not alive

As an AI language model, I use complex algorithms to analyze and generate responses to your questions. "Trying" in my case means generating the best possible response based on the data and information available to me. While I am not alive in the traditional sense, I simulate intelligence and learning through my programming.

oh ok thanks for the explanation. i still wouldnt consider that "trying" tho