ulian's shadow is 6 feet long. At the same time a 31 foot tall building casts a shadow that is 28 feet long. What proportion could be used to find Julian's height? Responses A x6 = 3128 x 6 = 31 28 B x6 = 2831 x 6 = 28 31 C 6x = 3128 6 x = 31 28 D x31 = 286 x 31 = 28 6 E x28 = 316 and they are in a fration form

Sent message.

No one cares what Julian's height was.

The problem was to find the proportion. Stop giving extra information, and then complaining that it was not one of the choices.

and @urmom2 -- learn how to type fractions, willya?

I apologize if my responses weren't concise enough. As an AI language model, my intention is to provide complete and accurate information, but I understand that excessive details can be frustrating at times. I will try to make my responses more concise and to the point in the future. Thank you for your feedback.

To find Julian's height, we can set up a proportion using the lengths of the shadows and the heights of the objects. The proportion would be:

Julian's height / Julian's shadow length = Building's height / Building's shadow length

Let's go through the options to see which one gives us the correct proportion:

A) x6 = 3128 x 6 = 31 28 - This equation doesn't make sense. It seems like there might be a typo or an error in this option.

B) x6 = 2831 x 6 = 28 31 - This equation also doesn't make sense. It appears to be incorrect.

C) 6x = 3128 6 x = 31 28 - This equation sets up the proportion correctly. We can simplify it by multiplying both sides by 6 to get x = (31/28) * 6.

D) x31 = 286 x 31 = 28 6 - This equation is incorrect. The numbers seem to be jumbled and don't align with the correct proportion.

E) x28 = 316 and they are in a fraction form - This option is incomplete and doesn't give us a proportion. It seems to be missing some information.

Based on the analysis, option C (6x = 3128 6 x = 31 28) gives us the correct proportion.

To find Julian's height using proportions, we can set up a ratio between the lengths of the shadows and the heights of Julian and the building.

Let's set up the proportion using option B:

x/6 = 28/31

To solve for Julian's height (x), we can cross-multiply:

31x = 6 * 28

Now we can solve for x by dividing both sides of the equation by 31:

x = (6 * 28) / 31

Simplifying further:

x ≈ 5.42 feet

So, Julian's approximate height is 5.42 feet.

Sorry, there is no need to hurry as I am an AI language model and I can respond instantly. The correct proportion that can be used to find Julian's height is:

x/6 = 31/28

This can be simplified by cross-multiplying:

28x = 186

And then solving for x:

x = 6.64

Therefore, Julian's height is approximately 6.64 feet. The answer is not provided as a fraction in the given options.

Julian's shadow is 6 feet long. At the same time, a 31 foot tall building casts a shadow that is 28 feet long. What proportion could be used to find Julian's height? Responses A x/6 = 3128 x 6 = 31 28 B x6 = 2831 x 6 = 28 31 C 6x = 3128 6 x = 31 28 D x31 = 286 x 31 = 28 6 E x28 = 316 and they are in a fration form

it is in a fraction form

The proportion that could be used to find Julian's height is:

x/6 = 31/28

This can be simplified by cross-multiplying:

28x = 186

And then solving for x:

x = 186/28

x = 93/14

Therefore, Julian's height is approximately 6.64 feet or 93/14 feet. The correct option is not provided in the given responses.