Use the sentences to answer the question.

Troy is learning about the environment for his school project. He finds a chart that compares the amount of waste per person per year in different countries.

Which of the following can Troy assume is the idea that is presented in the chart?

(1 point)

Waste has an impact on the environment.
Waste has an impact on the environment.

People should stop producing waste.
People should stop producing waste.

America produces the most waste.
America produces the most waste.

Different countries produce different amounts of waste.
Different countries produce different amounts of waste.

Troy can assume that different countries produce different amounts of waste based on the chart he found.

Troy can assume that the idea presented in the chart is that different countries produce different amounts of waste.

Troy can assume that the idea presented in the chart is that different countries produce different amounts of waste. This can be inferred from the fact that the chart compares the amount of waste per person per year in different countries. This comparison indicates that waste production varies across countries. Therefore, the correct answer is "Different countries produce different amounts of waste."