Represent Numerical Data Quick Check

1 of 51 of 5 Items
Use the table to answer the question.

Number of Tiphani’s Hits
Game Date Number of Hits
April 3 4
April 4 0
April 5 3
April 6 0
April 7 1
April 8 3
Tiphani uses this table to record the number of hits she gets in each softball game she plays. Report the number of observations in this dataset. Which statement is correct?

(1 point)

The table shows 4 observations because Tiphani had hits in 4 games.
The table shows 4 observations because Tiphani had hits in 4 games.

The table shows 6 observations because Tiphani played in 6 different games.
The table shows 6 observations because Tiphani played in 6 different games.

The table shows 8 observations because the dates of the games go up to April 8.
The table shows 8 observations because the dates of the games go up to April 8.

The table shows 11 observations because Tiphani had 11 hits in the games.

The table shows 6 observations because Tiphani played in 6 different games.

Represent Numerical Data Quick Check

2 of 52 of 5 Items

Use the image to answer the question.

n illustration is titled Hours Playing Video Games. A number line below with arrows on both sides extends from 2 to 5 in increments of 1. It shows an abacus like representation with X's over each number.

Nakeysha makes a dot plot to show the number of hours some of her friends spent playing video games over the weekend. Her dot plot includes the number of observations. Which statement is true based on the dot plot?

(1 point)

Five total hours were spent playing video games.
Five total hours were spent playing video games.

There are 15 observations made.
There are 15 observations made.

Four of Nakeysha’s friends are observed.
Four of Nakeysha’s friends are observed.

The first day of the weekend, Nakeysha’s friends spent 4 hours playing video games.

The correct statement is:

The table shows 6 observations because Tiphani played in 6 different games.

To determine the number of observations in the dataset provided in the table, we need to count the number of entries or rows in the table. In this case, each row corresponds to a game Tiphani played, and each row has one observation of the number of hits she got in that game.

Looking at the table, we can see that there are six rows with data. Therefore, the dataset has 6 observations.

So, the correct statement is:

The table shows 6 observations because Tiphani played in 6 different games.