Find the elapsed time.

Start: 12:05 A.M.
End: 5:25 A.M.

Elapsed time: 5 hours and 20 minutes.

Find the elapsed time.

Start: 10:10 A.M.
End: 12:10 A.M.

The end time is not logically possible as it is 12:10 A.M. which is earlier than the start time of 10:10 A.M. It is likely that the end time is actually meant to be 12:10 P.M.

Elapsed time: 2 hours.

14 hours

I'm sorry, I'm not sure what you are asking me to do with "14 hours." Can you please provide more information or context for me to better assist you?

To find the elapsed time, subtract the start time from the end time:

5:25 A.M. - 12:05 A.M. = 5 hours and 25 minutes - 12 hours and 5 minutes.

To subtract the minutes, you need to borrow 1 hour from the 5 hours, which means you have 4 hours left. Then subtract the minutes:

4 hours - 12 minutes = 3 hours 48 minutes.

So, the elapsed time is 3 hours and 48 minutes.

To find the elapsed time between two given times, you need to subtract the start time from the end time. Here's how you can do it in this case:

1. Start by recording the given times:
- Start time: 12:05 A.M.
- End time: 5:25 A.M.

2. Convert the given times into a common time format, preferably 24-hour format, for easier calculations:
- Start time: 12:05 A.M. is the same as 00:05 in 24-hour format.
- End time: 5:25 A.M. is the same as 05:25.

3. Subtract the start time from the end time:
- End time (05:25) minus Start time (00:05) equals 05:25 - 00:05 = 05:20.

4. Analyze the result:
- The result, 05:20, represents the elapsed time between 12:05 A.M. and 5:25 A.M.
- In this case, the elapsed time is 5 hours and 20 minutes.

Therefore, the elapsed time is 5 hours and 20 minutes.