State whether the following expressions using the cross product and dot product are vectors, scalars, or meaningless.

a•(b x c)



The dot product of a vector and the cross product of two vectors will always result in a scalar quantity. This is because the cross product of two vectors results in a vector that is perpendicular to both vectors, and the dot product of a vector with a perpendicular vector is always zero. Therefore, the dot product in this expression only considers the magnitude of the vector, which is a scalar quantity.

how about (a+b)xc



This is because the cross product of two vectors results in a vector, and when you add two vectors, the result is also a vector. Therefore, (a+b) is a vector, and when it is crossed with c, the result is also a vector. The cross product of two vectors always results in a vector that is perpendicular to both of the original vectors, and this vector has both magnitude and direction, so it is a true vector quantity.

What about (a x b)•(b x c)



The dot product of two vectors is a scalar. In this case, a x b and b x c are both vectors, but when you take their dot product, it results in a scalar quantity. This dot product only considers the multiplication of the magnitudes of two vectors and the angle between them, which can be expressed as a scalar. Therefore, (a x b) • (b x c) is a scalar quantity.

To determine whether the expression a•(b x c) is a vector, scalar, or meaningless, we need to understand the properties of the dot product and cross product.

The dot product of two vectors, denoted by •, gives us a scalar value. It is defined as the product of the magnitudes of the two vectors and the cosine of the angle between them.

The cross product of two vectors, denoted by x, gives us a vector that is orthogonal (perpendicular) to both of the original vectors. It is defined as the product of the magnitudes of the two vectors and the sine of the angle between them, with a direction determined by the right-hand rule.

Now, let's look at the expression a•(b x c). Here, we have the dot product of vector a and the cross product of vectors b and c.

Since the dot product gives us a scalar value and the cross product gives us a vector, the overall expression a•(b x c) must also be a vector.

Therefore, the expression a•(b x c) is a vector.