A cylindrical tank has a base radius of 6.5m and height 7.25m calculate the total surface area if One end is open and also it volume

Total surface area of the cylinder with one end open can be calculated as:

Area of the curved surface = 2πrh
= 2 x π x 6.5 x 7.25
= 316.25 m²

Area of the circular base = πr²
= π x (6.5)²
= 132.73 m²

Total surface area = Area of the curved surface + Area of the circular base
= 316.25 + 132.73
= 448.98 m²

The volume of the cylinder can be calculated as:

Volume = πr²h
= π x (6.5)² x 7.25
= 1683.77 m³

Therefore, the total surface area of the cylinder with one end open is 448.98 m² and its volume is 1683.77 m³.

To calculate the total surface area of the cylindrical tank, we need to consider the area of the two circular ends and the curved surface area.

1. Calculate the area of the two circular ends:
The area of a circle is given by the formula: A = πr^2, where r is the radius.
So, the area of one circular end is A = π(6.5m)^2.
Therefore, the total area of the two circular ends is 2π(6.5m)^2.

2. Calculate the curved surface area:
The curved surface area of a cylinder is given by the formula: A = 2πrh, where r is the radius and h is the height.
So, the curved surface area of the cylindrical tank is A = 2π(6.5m)(7.25m).

3. Calculate the total surface area:
The total surface area is the sum of the area of the two circular ends and the curved surface area.
Total surface area = 2π(6.5m)^2 + 2π(6.5m)(7.25m).

To calculate the volume of the cylindrical tank, we use the formula V = πr^2h, where r is the radius and h is the height.

4. Calculate the volume:
V = π(6.5m)^2(7.25m).

Now, you can plug in the values and calculate the total surface area and volume using a calculator.