Outcomes. 2. 4. 6. 8. 10. 12

Frequency 10 9. 6. 15 13. 8

What is the smallest discrepancy between the experiment and the expected probability of this experiment? Write answer in a 3 decimal places, rounded to the nearest thousandth.

To find the expected probability for each outcome, we divide the total frequency (which is the sum of all frequencies) by 6 (since there are 6 possible outcomes):

Expected probability of getting 2: (10+9+6+15+13+8)/6 = 4.1666667
Expected probability of getting 4: (10+9+6+15+13+8)/6 = 4.1666667
Expected probability of getting 6: (10+9+6+15+13+8)/6 = 4.1666667
Expected probability of getting 8: (10+9+6+15+13+8)/6 = 4.1666667
Expected probability of getting 10: (10+9+6+15+13+8)/6 = 4.1666667
Expected probability of getting 12: (10+9+6+15+13+8)/6 = 4.1666667

To find the discrepancy, we subtract the expected probability from the actual frequency for each outcome, take the absolute value, and add them up:

Discrepancy for outcome 2: |10 - 4.1666667| = 5.8333333
Discrepancy for outcome 4: |9 - 4.1666667| = 4.8333333
Discrepancy for outcome 6: |6 - 4.1666667| = 1.8333333
Discrepancy for outcome 8: |15 - 4.1666667| = 10.8333333
Discrepancy for outcome 10: |13 - 4.1666667| = 8.8333333
Discrepancy for outcome 12: |8 - 4.1666667| = 3.8333333

The smallest discrepancy is 1.8333333, which corresponds to outcome 6. Rounding to the nearest thousandth gives us an answer of 1.833.

To find the smallest discrepancy between the experiment and the expected probability, we need to calculate the expected probability for each outcome and then compare it to the given frequency.

First, calculate the total frequency by summing up the given frequencies:

Total Frequency = 10 + 9 + 6 + 15 + 13 + 8 = 61

Next, calculate the expected probability for each outcome by dividing the frequency of each outcome by the total frequency:

Expected Probability(2) = 10 / 61 ≈ 0.164

Expected Probability(4) = 9 / 61 ≈ 0.148

Expected Probability(6) = 6 / 61 ≈ 0.098

Expected Probability(8) = 15 / 61 ≈ 0.246

Expected Probability(10) = 13 / 61 ≈ 0.213

Expected Probability(12) = 8 / 61 ≈ 0.131

Now, subtract the expected probability from the frequency for each outcome:

Discrepancy(2) = | Frequency(2) - Expected Probability(2) | = | 10 - 0.164 | ≈ 9.836

Discrepancy(4) = | Frequency(4) - Expected Probability(4) | = | 9 - 0.148 | ≈ 8.852

Discrepancy(6) = | Frequency(6) - Expected Probability(6) | = | 6 - 0.098 | ≈ 5.902

Discrepancy(8) = | Frequency(8) - Expected Probability(8) | = | 15 - 0.246 | ≈ 14.754

Discrepancy(10) = | Frequency(10) - Expected Probability(10) | = | 13 - 0.213 | ≈ 12.787

Discrepancy(12) = | Frequency(12) - Expected Probability(12) | = | 8 - 0.131 | ≈ 7.869

The smallest discrepancy is 5.902, which is the discrepancy for the outcome 6.

Therefore, the answer is 5.902.