What can be the resources relevant to the objectives of learning about Interpreting pictures to make up own story, that is, ‘reads’ the pictures

1. Picture books: Story books with illustrations can be a great resource for learning how to interpret pictures. Children can look at the pictures and make up their own stories.

2. Picture flashcards: Flashcards with different pictures can be used to teach children how to interpret pictures and make up their own stories.

3. Art books: Art books with a collection of different paintings, sculptures, and other artworks can help children learn how to interpret pictures and use their imagination to make up their own stories.

4. Online resources: There are many websites and apps that offer interactive picture games and quizzes that help children learn how to interpret pictures and create their own stories.

5. Art museums: Art museums can be a great resource for children to explore different types of pictures and learn different ways to interpret them.

6. Group activities: Group activities that involve interpreting pictures and making up stories can be a fun and interactive way for children to learn. These activities can be organized in classrooms, community centers, and other similar settings.

7. Worksheets and activities: Worksheets and activities that involve interpreting pictures and making up stories can be used in classrooms and at home to help children practice this skill.

To learn about interpreting pictures and making up your own story, there are several resources that can be helpful. Here is a step-by-step guide to finding relevant resources:

Step 1: Online Research
Start by conducting an online search using keywords such as "interpreting pictures to make up own story," "visual storytelling," or "visual literacy." This will bring up various websites, articles, and blogs that provide information and techniques on interpreting pictures and creating narratives.

Step 2: Educational Websites
Look for educational websites that focus on promoting visual literacy and storytelling skills. Many of these websites provide interactive activities, lesson plans, and resources specifically designed for interpreting pictures and developing narrative skills. Examples of such websites include Common Sense Education, ReadWriteThink, and Scholastic.

Step 3: Books and E-books
Search for books and ebooks that cover the topic of interpreting pictures and visual storytelling. Look for titles that provide guidance, examples, and exercises to enhance your skills in reading and analyzing visual content. Websites like Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Goodreads can help you find relevant books and read reviews to choose the most suitable ones.

Step 4: Online Courses and Tutorials
Consider taking online courses or watching tutorials that focus on interpreting pictures and visual storytelling. Platforms like Udemy, Coursera, and Skillshare offer a variety of courses on visual literacy, storytelling, and interpreting images. Make sure to check the course syllabus and reviews to find a course that matches your objectives.

Step 5: Art Galleries and Museums
Visit art galleries and museums to explore artworks and observe how artists use visual elements to convey narratives. Many museums offer guided tours, workshops, or educational programs that focus on interpreting artworks. Take advantage of these resources to develop your own storytelling skills through visual analysis.

Step 6: Practice and Reflection
Remember to practice regularly and reflect on your interpretations. Find pictures, photographs, or illustrations and analyze them to create your own narrative. Write down your thoughts, observations, and interpretations, and compare them with other interpretations to enhance your understanding of visual storytelling.

By following these steps and utilizing the resources mentioned above, you will be able to learn and develop your skills in interpreting pictures and creating your own stories.