You are speaker in a school debate, write against the motion, boys should not help in the kitchen

Respected Chairperson, Honourable Judges, and my dear fellow students. Today, I stand in front of you to express my views against the motion "Boys should not help in the kitchen". I strongly believe that this statement is preposterous and sends a wrong message to the society.

Gone are the days when gender roles were concrete, and men were expected to provide the bread while women cooked it. The world has evolved, and so have the roles of men and women. It's high time we realized that gender does not define one's abilities and that we need to embrace the idea of equal opportunities for all.

Cooking is an essential life skill that everyone should learn, irrespective of their gender. By stating that boys should not help in the kitchen, we are limiting their potential and denying them the opportunity to develop this crucial life skill. Cooking is not just about preparing food. It teaches us to plan, budget, and work as a team. These skills are necessary for everyone, irrespective of their gender or career.

Moreover, it is crucial to understand that cooking is not a feminine task. Cooking is a creative and analytical process that requires skills such as mathematics, experimenting, and tasting. These skills are gender-neutral and something that everyone should possess.

In addition to cooking, helping out with household chores is something everyone should do. It's unfair to burden one gender with all the household work, while the other gets to enjoy leisure activities. By sharing the workload, both men and women can enjoy equal leisure time and reduce the stress that comes with overworking.

Lastly, helping in the kitchen should not be gender-specific. Boys who learn to cook and help with household chores become responsible, respectful, and are equipped with the necessary life skills to survive on their own.

In conclusion, restricting boys from helping in the kitchen sends out a wrong message to society. By promoting gender equality and sharing the workload, we can create a fair and progressive society where everyone has equal opportunities, regardless of their gender. Therefore, I strongly oppose the motion, "Boys should not help in the kitchen". Thank you.


Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed judges, and respected audience. Today, I stand before you to express my strong disagreement with the notion that boys should not help in the kitchen. This argument is both outdated and unfair, as it perpetuates gender stereotypes and limits the potential for growth and equality in our society. It is crucial for boys to actively engage in household chores, including cooking, to foster a more inclusive and progressive society. Now let's delve into the reasons why we should encourage boys to help in the kitchen.

1. Breaking Gender Stereotypes:
Encouraging boys to help in the kitchen is an effective way to break down traditional gender stereotypes. Gender roles and expectations have evolved significantly over the years, with more women engaging in professions traditionally associated with men. Similarly, it is important for boys to understand that household chores, including cooking, are not solely a woman's responsibility. By involving boys in the kitchen, we can promote gender equality and demonstrate that everyone should have equal opportunities and responsibilities within the household.

2. Life Skills and Independence:
Cooking is an essential life skill that goes beyond mere gender roles. It equips individuals with the ability to sustain themselves and their families. By teaching boys to cook, we empower them to be self-sufficient and independent. In today's fast-paced world, where individuals often live away from their families, proficiency in cooking becomes even more crucial. By learning how to prepare meals, boys become more self-reliant and adaptable, skills that are beneficial throughout their lives.

3. Promoting Healthy Lifestyles:
Engaging boys in the kitchen can also promote healthier eating habits. Historically, it has been observed that men often face various health issues due to their dependence on processed or restaurant meals. By developing cooking skills, boys can make more conscious choices about the ingredients they use, ensuring a nutritious and balanced diet. Encouraging healthy practices from an early age through kitchen involvement can positively impact their overall well-being.

4. Nurturing Empathy and Respect:
Participating in kitchen activities fosters empathy and respect for others. When boys help in meal preparation, they develop an understanding for the work and effort that goes into preparing a meal. This teaches them to value and respect the contributions of others. Moreover, cooking together as a family or with friends inculcates a sense of togetherness, where boys learn the importance of cooperation, communication, and the joy of creating something delicious, all while building stronger relationships.

5. Career Opportunities:
Lastly, by encouraging boys to help in the kitchen, we open doors to a wider range of career opportunities. The culinary industry has no gender barriers, and it offers a plethora of options for aspiring chefs, restaurant owners, and food entrepreneurs. Allowing boys to explore their passion for cooking can lead to fulfilling careers in the culinary arts, where they can showcase their creativity, skills, and contribute to the thriving food industry.

In conclusion, it is evident that the idea that boys should not help in the kitchen is not only outdated but also restricts their personal growth and societal progress. Encouraging boys to actively participate in kitchen activities breaks gender stereotypes, promotes essential life skills, fosters healthy habits, nurtures empathy and respect, and opens doors to exciting career opportunities. It is time to dismantle these traditional norms and embrace an inclusive and progressive society that values and provides equal opportunities for all. Thank you.