TWO factors that may

contribute to the youth being hesitant to conduct themselves as responsible

citizens are lack of role models and peer pressure.

1. Lack of role models: Many youths lack positive role models who demonstrate responsible behavior and set a good example for them to follow. This can be due to a variety of factors, such as absent parents, negative media portrayal of responsible behavior, or a lack of community role models. Without positive role models, youths may not fully understand the importance of responsible behavior and may struggle to see the benefits of being a responsible citizen.

2. Peer pressure: Peer pressure is a significant factor that can influence a youth's behavior. Many youths are hesitant to conduct themselves as responsible citizens because they fear being ostracized or rejected by their peers. Peer pressure can take many forms, such as pressure to participate in drug and alcohol abuse, to engage in risky behaviors, or to disregard the rules and laws of society. It can be challenging for youths to resist this pressure, and many may feel that it is easier to go along with their peers rather than face rejection or criticism.

There are several factors that may contribute to youth being hesitant to conduct themselves as responsible. Two factors that stand out are:

1. Lack of Role Models: One factor that can contribute to youth being hesitant to behave responsibly is the lack of positive role models in their lives. Role models play a crucial role in guiding and shaping the behavior of young people. When youth do not have access to responsible and law-abiding individuals to emulate, they may struggle to understand what responsible behavior looks like or how to incorporate it into their own lives.

2. Peer Influence: Another factor that can contribute to youth being hesitant to behave responsibly is the influence of peers. Peer pressure often plays a significant role in shaping the behavior of young people. If a youth's peer group engages in irresponsible or risky behavior, they may feel pressure to conform and engage in similar actions, even if they personally recognize the importance of responsible conduct.

It is important to note that these factors are not exhaustive, and various other circumstances, such as family dynamics, socio-economic factors, and educational opportunities, can also contribute to a youth's hesitance to conduct themselves responsibly.