The magnet removes the iron filling

Filter and the beads and sand stay in a filter paper
Salt and water go through
Distilled and collect water , Salt is left
Why do I need this method

The method described above is used to separate a mixture of different substances. Each substance has unique physical and chemical properties, and this method takes advantage of those properties to separate the substances into individual components. This type of method is useful when you need to obtain a specific substance from a mixture, or when you need to purify a substance by removing impurities.

The method you described is a process commonly known as separation or purification. This method is used for various reasons and can be applied in different situations. Here are a few reasons why this method may be needed:

1. Removing impurities: The method allows you to separate substances or particles from a mixture, helping to achieve a higher purity level. In your example, the magnet is used to remove iron filings, and the filtration process helps separate beads and sand from other materials.

2. Obtaining a specific substance: By using this method, you can isolate and collect a particular substance of interest from a mixture. In your case, the purpose is to collect salt by allowing it to dissolve in water, which passes through the filter paper, while the salt remains behind.

3. Recycling or reusing materials: Separation methods can help recover valuable or reusable substances from a mixture. For example, the iron filings separated using a magnet can be recycled for other purposes.

4. Analysis and identification: Separation methods are useful in scientific research and analytical applications. They can help separate and isolate individual components of a mixture, allowing for further analysis and identification of their properties or composition.

Overall, the method you described is used to separate components in a mixture for various practical purposes, depending on the specific needs or objectives of the situation.