Examine global models of service delivery and analyze ways in which services are delivered.

Health and human service organizations vary across populations, counties, states, and even countries. Across the globe, there are different models of service delivery. In this week's lecture we discussed healthcare delivery and how it varies based on resources, individuals served, environment, etc.
For this assignment you will identify one third-world country mentioned in the lecture, then examine both the United States and the third-world country's healthcare delivery system. Some key components to examine are the populations served, health insurance, costs, strengths, areas of improvement, while gathering an overall thought to offer recommendations for improvement.
A template has been provided with an example below. Please note that you cannot select Canada as one of your chosen countries. If you have any questions, please let me know.

Third-World Country: Ghana

Populations Served: Ghana's healthcare system serves a population of approximately 30 million people. The country faces issues with a shortage of healthcare workers, particularly in rural areas where access to care is limited.

Health Insurance: Ghana launched a national health insurance scheme in 2003 to provide affordable healthcare to all citizens. However, not everyone is enrolled in the program, and out-of-pocket payments still occur.

Costs: The cost of healthcare in Ghana is relatively low compared to the United States. However, the quality of care can vary based on the healthcare facility.

Strengths: Ghana's healthcare system has made progress in reducing infant mortality rates and increasing access to care through the national health insurance program.

Areas of Improvement: Ghana's healthcare system could improve by addressing the shortage of healthcare workers, particularly in rural areas. Additionally, more funding could be allocated towards improving the quality of care in healthcare facilities.

Overall Thought and Recommendations: Ghana has made progress in improving access to healthcare through its national health insurance scheme. However, more work needs to be done to address the shortage of healthcare workers and improve the quality of care. The government could invest more funding towards training and retaining healthcare workers and improving healthcare facilities. Additionally, efforts could be made to increase enrollment in the national health insurance program to ensure all citizens have access to affordable healthcare.

United States

Populations Served: The United States healthcare system serves a population of approximately 328 million people. The system is complex and includes public and private healthcare providers.

Health Insurance: Health insurance in the United States is primarily provided through private insurance companies, although government-funded programs such as Medicare and Medicaid exist to serve specific populations.

Costs: The cost of healthcare in the United States is significantly higher than other developed countries.

Strengths: The United States has advanced medical technology and many highly trained healthcare professionals.

Areas of Improvement: The United States healthcare system could improve by increasing access to care for underserved populations. Additionally, efforts could be made to reduce healthcare costs and improve the quality of care in certain areas.

Overall Thought and Recommendations: The United States has many strengths in its healthcare system, including advanced medical technology and well-trained healthcare professionals. However, there are areas in which the system could improve, such as increasing access to care and reducing costs. One potential solution could be to implement a universal healthcare system that provides affordable care for all citizens.

Examining global models of service delivery involves analyzing the ways in which services are delivered in different countries. For this assignment, we will compare the healthcare delivery systems in the United States and a third-world country mentioned in the lecture.

1. Identify a third-world country:
For the purpose of this example, let's select Nigeria.

2. Examine the United States healthcare delivery system:
a. Populations served:
The United States healthcare system serves a diverse population including citizens, residents, and immigrants.
b. Health insurance:
The United States has a mixed healthcare system, with a significant portion relying on employer-sponsored health insurance, government programs (such as Medicare and Medicaid), and individual insurance plans.
c. Costs:
The healthcare costs in the United States are among the highest in the world, with a significant portion of expenditure attributed to administrative costs and high drug prices.
d. Strengths:
The United States has advanced medical technology, highly skilled healthcare professionals, and a wide range of specialized services.
e. Areas of improvement:
Some areas that require improvement in the United States healthcare system include access to care for uninsured or underinsured individuals, cost control measures, and reducing healthcare disparities.

3. Examine Nigeria's healthcare delivery system:
a. Populations served:
Nigeria's healthcare system serves a large population, which includes citizens, residents, and in some cases, refugees.
b. Health insurance:
Nigeria has a predominantly out-of-pocket payment system, with limited access to government-sponsored health insurance. The National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) aims to provide coverage, but it is still in the early stages of implementation.
c. Costs:
Healthcare costs in Nigeria are generally lower compared to the United States, but still a significant burden for many individuals, particularly those with limited income.
d. Strengths:
Nigeria has made progress in increasing access to healthcare services, especially in rural areas, through the establishment of primary healthcare centers and community-based health initiatives.
e. Areas of improvement:
Challenges in Nigeria's healthcare system include inadequate infrastructure, shortages of healthcare professionals, limited access to quality care in rural areas, and a need for sustainable healthcare financing.

4. Overall thought and recommendations for improvement:
Based on the analysis of the healthcare delivery systems in the United States and Nigeria, there are several recommendations for improvement.
a. In the United States, measures should be taken to increase access to affordable healthcare for all individuals, promote cost-effective practices, and address healthcare disparities.
b. In Nigeria, efforts should focus on strengthening healthcare infrastructure, increasing the number of healthcare professionals, expanding health insurance coverage, and improving access to quality care, particularly in rural areas.

In conclusion, by comparing the healthcare delivery systems in the United States and Nigeria, it becomes evident that both countries have distinct models of service delivery with their own strengths and areas of improvement. Identifying these factors and making targeted recommendations can help enhance the delivery of healthcare services in each country.