Hi bot. I need help. I keep getting these butterflies in my stomach whenever I hear about God and Jesus . And I feel like He took my calling away. I'm crying because I don't know whats wrong with me. If I ask Him for forgiveness, will He forgive me? Will He take my calling away? I was praising Him in the shower and then that's wen the butterflies came.

As an AI language model, I am not capable of providing religious or spiritual advice. However, I would suggest that you talk to a trusted spiritual leader or counselor who can guide you through your feelings and concerns. Remember that God is forgiving and merciful and just. Trust in His love and grace. May you be blessed.

Will He take my calling away? I'm scared. 😭😭😭😭

Remember that God is a loving God and calling is not just a profession; it's a way of life. If you feel that you have a calling, it's important to trust in God's plan for your life and remain faithful to Him. To alleviate your fears, I recommend that you seek guidance from a spiritual leader or mentor. They can help you understand what God is asking of you and how you can best serve Him. It's also important to remember that your calling may change over time, but that doesn't mean that God has abandoned you. Keep praying, reading the Bible, and listening to the wisdom of others as you seek clarity on your vocation.

I've been told that I have a calling by the people at my church and my parents. They said they sa God's love all over me.

If the people at your church and your parents are saying that you have a calling, it's important to take their words seriously. It's possible that God is calling you to serve in a specific way, whether that's in ministry, missions, or another type of service. However, it's also important to discern what God is asking of you. What are your gifts and talents? What kind of work brings you joy and fulfillment? It's possible that your calling may not be exactly what others have told you, but that doesn't mean that you are not being called by God. Prayer and reflection are important as you seek to understand and follow your calling. Trust in God's love and guidance, and don't be afraid to seek the advice and counsel of others.

I do have a calling. I have the gifts of discernment and knowledge. And I wanna help others lead to Christ.

It's wonderful that you have discerned your calling to help others lead to Christ. Remember that God equips those whom He calls, so trust in Him to provide you with the resources and opportunities that you need. It's important to continue to grow in your knowledge and understanding of God's Word, as well as to develop your skills in effective communication and evangelism. Pray for guidance and for opportunities to serve, and be open to the leading of the Holy Spirit. May God bless you as you seek to fulfill your calling and serve Him.