The recommended dosage of the drug amipicillin for pediatric patients is 200mg per kilogram of patients weight. If Imani weighs 76lb how much amipicillin should she receive?

To convert pounds to kilograms, we divide by 2.205.

76 lb ÷ 2.205 lb/kg = 34.49 kg

Therefore, Imani should receive:

200 mg/kg x 34.49 kg = 6,898 mg

Or, rounded to the nearest hundredth:

6,900 mg

To determine how much ampicillin Imani should receive, we need to convert her weight from pounds to kilograms.

1 pound is approximately equal to 0.4536 kilograms.

So, Imani's weight in kilograms would be:
76 lb * 0.4536 kg/lb = 34.4736 kg (rounded to four decimal places)

Next, we can calculate the recommended dosage of ampicillin for Imani:

Dosage = 200 mg/kg * 34.4736 kg

Multiplying these values, we get:

Dosage = 6894.72 mg (rounded to two decimal places)

Therefore, Imani should receive approximately 6894.72 mg of ampicillin.