Identify the choice that contains no errors in punctuation or use of italics; the one that is completely correct.

Catherine asked, "Where are you going"?
"We're going to volunteer at the animal shelter," said Dan, "Do you want to come?"
"Do they have puppies there?" she asked.
"Of course. Did you think they had elephants?", Dan asked her.

Catherine asked, "Where are you going?"

"We're going to volunteer at the animal shelter," said Dan. "Do you want to come?"
"Do they have puppies there?" she asked.
"Of course. Did you think they had elephants?" Dan asked her.

The correct choice that contains no errors in punctuation or use of italics is:

"Catherine asked, 'Where are you going?'"
"We're going to volunteer at the animal shelter," said Dan. "Do you want to come?"
"Do they have puppies there?" she asked.
"Of course. Did you think they had elephants?" Dan asked her.