A scientist discovers a fossil of an animal and places it in the fossil record. The organism’s bones are similar to the bones of animal T, which appears earlier in the fossil record. Which conclusion is most reasonable? The fossils are from a descendant of animal T.***

Why do organisms evolve? Organisms with traits that help them survive and reproduce in their environment pass on those traits.****

Scientists examine fossils from three different animals. They determine that all three animals share similar structures and record their observations as follows:

Animal A and animal B have somewhat similar structures.
Animal A and animal C have very similar structures.
Animal B and animal C have very similar structures.

The scientists use the similarities to determine the order in which the fossils should appear in the fossil record. Based on the scientists’ observations, which order is the most reasonable? A, C, B****

Scientists discover fossilized bones from two different animals. The scientists consult the fossil record to learn more about the fossils. Which question will the fossil record best answer? Which animal is older?****

How do fossils of the animal Archaeopteryx provide evidence that birds evolved from one group of dinosaurs?
Fossils of Archaeopteryx have traits of both dinosaurs and birds.*****

What is natural selection?

Natural selection is the process by which organisms with advantageous traits survive and reproduce at higher rates than those without these traits, leading to the evolution of traits in a population over time.****

Animals A and B have slightly similar structures, animals A and C have very similar structures, and animals B and C have very similar structures.


Humans, mice, and giraffes have seven vertebrae in their necks. What can scientists conclude from this observation?
Humans, mice, and giraffes have the same number of bones.
These animals descended from a common ancestor.
Each animal independently evolved this trait.
All vertebrates have seven vertebrae in their necks.


Scientists examine fossils from three different animals. They determine that all three animals share similar structures and conclude that animal A comes earliest in the fossil record, animal C comes latest in the fossil record, and animal B comes somewhere in between. Which set of observations best supports this conclusion?

Animals A and B have slightly similar structures, animals A and C have very
similar structures, and animals B and C have very similar structures.

Animals A and B have slightly similar structures, animals A and C have very similar structures, and animals B and C have slightly similar structures.

Animals A and B have very similar structures, animals A and C have very similar structures, and animals B and C have slightly similar structures.

Animals A and B have very similar structures, animals A and C have slightly similar structures, and animals B and C have very similar structures.

Scientists can conclude that these animals descended from a common ancestor since they share a common anatomical feature, namely the number of vertebrae in their necks.

Which example demonstrates divergence?

Species A and B evolve into species C.
Species A evolves into species B and C.
Species A goes extinct.
Species A does not evolve.

Species A evolves into species B and C, which demonstrates divergence.

In studying humans, whales, and horses, which of the following set of similarities would be evidence for the most recent common ancestor?

they are all mammals.
they all have hair.
they all have similar bones in their limbs.
they all have internal skeletons.

They all have similar bones in their limbs would be evidence for the most recent common ancestor. This suggests that these animals share a common ancestor that had similar limb structures, which have been modified over time to suit their different environments and lifestyles.

To answer this question, we need to understand why organisms evolve. Organisms evolve because those with traits that help them survive and reproduce in their environment are more likely to pass on those traits to future generations. Natural selection is the driving force behind evolution, as it favors individuals with advantageous traits, increasing their chances of survival and reproduction.

Now, let's look at the question about the fossil record. If a scientist discovers a fossil of an animal with bones similar to those of an earlier animal in the fossil record, the most reasonable conclusion is that the fossils are from a descendant of that earlier animal. This is because over time, organisms can change and develop new traits through evolution. Therefore, if there are similarities between the bones of the two animals, it suggests a common ancestry and a descendant relationship.

Moving on to the order of appearance in the fossil record, scientists can use similarities in structures found in different fossils to determine their order. In the given case, if Animal A and Animal B have somewhat similar structures, while Animal A and Animal C, as well as Animal B and Animal C, have very similar structures, the most reasonable order would be A, C, B. This arrangement suggests that Animal C shares more similarities with both Animal A and Animal B, implying that it appeared later in the fossil record.

When it comes to using the fossil record to determine the age of animals, scientists can compare the different layers of rock in which fossils are found. The principle of superposition states that, in undisturbed rock layers, the oldest fossils are found in the lower layers, while the younger fossils are found in the upper layers. By analyzing the relative positions of the fossils within the layers, scientists can determine which animal is older.

Finally, the fossils of Archaeopteryx provide evidence that birds evolved from one group of dinosaurs because they exhibit traits of both dinosaurs and birds. This suggests a transitional form between the two groups, supporting the theory of evolution. By studying the anatomical features and characteristics of Archaeopteryx fossils, scientists can draw connections between birds and dinosaurs, providing evidence for the evolutionary relationship between them.