Write a long narrative dialogued story between Upper Rank 2, Doma, Upper Rank 1, Kokushibo, and Upper Rank 3, Akaza. Make the topic of their meeting about Muzan Kibutsuji's anger over not being able to find the Blue Spider Lily.

Doma: "Good evening, my fellow Upper Ranks. It's been a while since we've all gathered together."

Kokushibo: "Indeed, it has. I hope we can make this meeting as efficient as possible. The sun will rise soon, and we do not wish to draw attention to ourselves."

Akaza: "Agreed. So, what is the reason for this meeting?"

Doma: "As you all know, our master Muzan Kibutsuji has been searching for the Blue Spider Lily for centuries now. However, he seems to be growing more and more frustrated with each passing year, as the flower remains elusive."

Kokushibo: "Yes, I have heard that he has even sent his lower-ranking demons to search for it. But to no avail."

Akaza: "I see. So, what do you propose we do about this?"

Doma: "I suggest we hold a council to discuss possible ways to find the flower. Perhaps we could send our own demons to search for it? Or we could employ the help of other demons who have an expertise in tracking down rare plants."

Kokushibo: "Those are both plausible ideas. However, we must also consider the danger in sending our demons out on such a mission. The Blue Spider Lily is said to be guarded by powerful spirits, and any demon who dares to approach it risks being killed."

Akaza: "That is true. We must tread carefully. But we cannot let Muzan's anger escalate any further. He is already suspicious of our loyalty to him, and if he feels he cannot trust us to find the flower, he may take drastic measures."

Doma: "I agree. We cannot allow that to happen. But we must also remember that we are not Muzan's personal servants. We are his equals, and we must work together to find a solution."

Kokushibo: "Indeed. And perhaps we should also consider the possibility that the Blue Spider Lily may not even exist. It could just be a myth."

Akaza: "That is also something to ponder. But for now, we must focus on finding a solution before Muzan's anger reaches its boiling point."

Doma: "Agreed. I will convene with the other Upper Ranks and we will discuss this further. Thank you for your input, my fellow Upper Ranks."

Kokushibo: "Thank you, Doma. Let us all stay vigilant in our search for the Blue Spider Lily."

Akaza: "Indeed. And may we find it before it's too late."

Muzan had overheard the word "equals." He wasn't too happy to hear that.

Muzan Kibutsuji, who had been eavesdropping on the Upper Ranks' conversation, couldn't help but feel angry when he heard the word "equals." He had always thought of himself as superior to any other demon, let alone his own Upper Ranks. How dare they suggest that they were his equals?

Muzan stormed into the room, his eyes blazing with anger. "Equals? You dare call yourselves equals to me?" he hissed.

The Upper Ranks quickly turned to face him, their expressions changing from calm to worried. They knew Muzan's temper all too well.

Doma stepped forward, trying to calm the situation. "Master Muzan, please, we did not mean to disrespect you. We simply meant that we are all loyal to you and wish to help in any way we can."

Muzan turned his gaze to Doma, his eyes cold and calculating. "Do not try to deceive me, Doma. I know what you meant. You think yourselves my equals? Perhaps you need a reminder of who is truly in charge here."

Suddenly, Muzan lunged at Doma, grabbing him by the neck and lifting him off the ground. The other Upper Ranks tried to intervene, but Muzan was too fast and too strong.

"You forget your place, Doma," Muzan said through gritted teeth. "I am your master, and you will show me the respect I am due."

Doma struggled to breathe as Muzan tightened his grip. Kokushibo and Akaza looked at each other, unsure of what to do. They didn't want to anger Muzan any further, but they couldn't just stand there and watch him harm Doma.

Finally, Kokushibo gathered his courage and stepped forward. "Muzan, please, let him go. We are all your loyal servants. We would never disrespect you."

Muzan turned his attention to Kokushibo, his grip on Doma relaxing slightly. "Do not try my patience, Kokushibo. You may be the first Upper Rank, but that does not make you invincible."

Akaza stepped forward as well. "We are all here to serve you, Muzan. We will do whatever it takes to find the Blue Spider Lily and make you happy."

Muzan finally released Doma, who gasped for air and fell to the ground. Muzan walked back to his throne, his expression unreadable. "Very well. You have proven your loyalty. But do not forget your place. I will not tolerate any more disrespect."

The Upper Ranks looked at each other with a mixture of relief and fear. They knew they had to tread carefully around Muzan from now on. The search for the Blue Spider Lily had become even more urgent, as they didn't want to incur Muzan's wrath any further.

Meanwhile, the Upper Rank Six siblings Gyutaro and Daki were conversing in the lounge, and Kaigaku, the Upper Rank Six to replace Gyutaro and Daki should they be killed, soon joined them. Gyutaro blushed a quickly looked away at the sight of the replacement Six.

Gyutaro and Daki, the Upper Rank Six siblings, were sitting in the lounge of their mansion, discussing the recent developments in their search for the Blue Spider Lily. As they were chatting, they noticed Kaigaku, the demon who had been chosen as their replacement, walking towards them.

Kaigaku was a tall and muscular demon, with dark hair and sharp features. He wore a kimono and carried two swords with him. As he approached, Gyutaro felt his heart quicken. He had always had a bit of a crush on Kaigaku, ever since he had first met him.

"Hello, Gyutaro and Daki," Kaigaku greeted them with a smile. "I heard you were discussing the search for the Blue Spider Lily."

Gyutaro blushed at the sight of him and quickly looked away. Daki noticed her brother's reaction and raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, we were. We are still holding onto the hope of finding it soon," Daki replied with a nod.

Kaigaku nodded in agreement. "Yes, the Blue Spider Lily is crucial to our master's plans. We cannot afford to fail in finding it."

Gyutaro couldn't help but stare at Kaigaku. He couldn't believe that he was going to be replaced by such a handsome and capable demon. He felt a pang of jealousy but tried to hide it. He didn't want to appear weak in front of Kaigaku.

Daki noticed her brother's mood and decided to change the subject. "So, Kaigaku, how have you been training for your new role as the Upper Rank Six?"

"I have been honing my skills with the swords," Kaigaku replied, drawing out his weapons and showing them to the siblings. "I believe that a good swordsman is essential for any battle."

Gyutaro couldn't help but feel envious of Kaigaku's prowess with the swords. He had always been interested in mastering the art of swordsmanship, but he had never been able to achieve the same level of skill as Kaigaku.

Daki noticed her brother's expression and put a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry, Gyutaro. You may not be the best swordsman, but you have other talents. Remember, we are a team, and we need each other's strengths to succeed."

Gyutaro smiled at his sister, grateful for her words of encouragement. He knew that he wasn't as skilled as Kaigaku, but he still had something unique to bring to the table.

As they continued to chat, Gyutaro couldn't help but steal glances at Kaigaku. He knew that he had to focus on their mission, but he couldn't help the feelings that were growing within him. He had to keep his emotions in check, for the sake of their success.

Upper Rank Five, Gyokko, then finds the overly-terrified and cowardly Upper Rank Four, Hantengu, hiding behind a staircase, fearful of Muzan's wrath.

As Gyutaro, Daki, and Kaigaku continued their discussion, another member of the Upper Ranks, Gyokko, was walking through the mansion, searching for Hantengu, the cowardly Upper Rank Four. Gyokko had received word that Hantengu was hiding somewhere in the mansion, fearing Muzan's wrath.

As Gyokko approached a staircase, he heard a faint whimpering coming from behind it. He followed the sound and found Hantengu cowering in a corner, his eyes wide with fear.

"Hantengu," Gyokko called out. "What are you doing here? We're supposed to be discussing our plans for finding the Blue Spider Lily."

Hantengu looked up at Gyokko, his face pale and sweaty. "I know, but I'm too scared to face Muzan. He's so powerful and unpredictable. I don't want to anger him."

Gyokko gave a sigh of annoyance. He had always been frustrated with Hantengu's cowardice. "You are an Upper Rank Four, Hantengu. You cannot continue to hide like this. We all have a duty to serve Muzan and find that flower."

Hantengu shook his head. "I can't do it, Gyokko. I don't have the courage for it. Please, just let me stay here where it's safe."

Gyokko realized that he needed to be firm with Hantengu. "No, Hantengu. I won't let you give up on our mission like this. We all have to face Muzan's wrath, whether we like it or not. And I know that you have the ability to bring something unique to our search. You just need to find that courage within you."

Hantengu looked up at Gyokko, his eyes wide with surprise. He had never heard Gyokko speak to him like this before. He slowly stood up, still trembling with fear.

"You really think I can do it?" he asked uncertainly.

"Yes, I do," Gyokko replied firmly. "Now, let's go back to the others and discuss our plans. Together, we can find the Blue Spider Lily and make Muzan proud."

Hantengu nodded slowly, his fear still evident in his eyes. But he knew that he had to try. He couldn't let his cowardice hold him back forever.

As they walked back to the others, Hantengu tried to push his fear aside and focus on their mission. He knew it wouldn't be easy, but he was determined to make a difference. And with Gyokko's encouragement, he felt that he might just be able to do it.

Gyutaro once again encounters Kaigaku, and he finally musters up enough courage to tell Kaigaku how he feels. Kaigaku almost immediately admits to reciprocating those same feelings.

As Gyutaro and the others continued their discussions, he couldn't help but think about Kaigaku and the feelings that he had been trying to suppress. He knew that he had to tell Kaigaku the truth, but he was still afraid of how he would react.

Finally, he saw Kaigaku walking towards him again, and he took a deep breath, trying to calm his nerves.

"Kaigaku, can I talk to you for a moment?" he said, his voice shaking a little.

"Of course, Gyutaro. What is it?" Kaigaku responded, looking at him with concern.

Gyutaro took another deep breath, trying to steady himself. "I-I just wanted to say... that I... like you. More than just a friend, I mean."

Kaigaku's expression softened, and he smiled fondly at Gyutaro. "I know, Gyutaro. I like you too. I have for a while now."

Gyutaro looked up at Kaigaku, surprised and overjoyed at his response. He felt a warmth spreading through his chest, and he couldn't help but smile back at Kaigaku.

"Really?" he said, his voice filled with wonder. "I had no idea. I thought I was the only one with these feelings."

Kaigaku chuckled softly. "No, Gyutaro, you're not alone. I've just been too shy to say anything. But now that you've told me how you feel, I can finally admit that I feel the same way."

Gyutaro's heart swelled with happiness, and he stepped closer to Kaigaku, taking his hand in his own. He felt his face growing hot, but he didn't care. He was too happy to be embarrassed.

"So... what does this mean for us?" he asked, his eyes searching Kaigaku's face.

Kaigaku's smile grew wider, and he leaned in to kiss Gyutaro softly on the lips.

"It means we're together, Gyutaro," he said, his voice filled with affection. "And I wouldn't have it any other way."

Gyutaro felt his heart skip a beat, and he returned the kiss, feeling a wave of happiness wash over him. He knew that they had a mission to accomplish, but for the moment, he was content to stay wrapped up in Kaigaku's embrace.

All the while, Doma and Akaza look for humans to eat. They come across a small group of drunk townspeople, 3 men and 2 women. They then pounce onto their prey, with Doma eating both women, much to Akaza's disgust as he vowed never to devour women.