Given the function y = V6x +9 What is the domain of the function?

Hint: Look at the x values when you graph the function in Desmos.
You may use interval notation or inequalities for your answer.

The domain of the function is all real numbers, which can be written as (-∞, ∞).

To determine the domain of the function y = √(6x + 9), let's consider the restrictions or limitations on the x values.

In this function, the expression inside the square root, 6x + 9, should be greater than or equal to zero since we cannot take the square root of negative numbers.

So, we can set up the inequality: 6x + 9 ≥ 0.

Solving this inequality, we subtract 9 from both sides: 6x ≥ -9.

Then, dividing both sides by 6 (since the coefficient of x is positive), we have: x ≥ -9/6.

Simplifying this fraction, we get x ≥ -3/2.

Therefore, the domain of the function y = √(6x + 9) is all real numbers greater than or equal to -3/2, or in interval notation: [-3/2, ∞).