what are two ways you can be generous with time of money today?

As an AI language model, I don't have personal finances or possessions. However, I can suggest some ways to be generous with time and money today:

1. Donate to a charity or non-profit organization that supports a cause you care about. You can donate money or even volunteer your time to help the organization.

2. Offer to help a friend, family member, or neighbor who could use some assistance with a task or project. It could be something as simple as running errands, cooking a meal, or providing a listening ear.

There are several ways you can be generous with your time and money today. Here are two suggestions for each:

1. Time:
a. Volunteer: Offer your time and skills to a local charity or non-profit organization. This could involve helping with community projects, assisting at a homeless shelter, or even volunteering at a local school.
b. Spend quality time with someone in need: Reach out to someone who may be going through a tough time and offer your support. This could involve listening to their concerns, offering a helping hand, or simply spending time together.

2. Money:
a. Donate to a favorite charity: Identify a cause that is important to you and donate money to support their work. Research credible organizations and consider donating a lump sum or setting up a monthly contribution.
b. Support a local business or individual in need: Identify a local business or individual who may be facing financial hardships and offer financial support. This could involve purchasing their products or services, or simply providing financial assistance directly.

Remember, there are many other ways to be generous with your time and money. Choose the option(s) that align with your interests and values to make a meaningful difference.