Select the letter of the term that identifies the phrase in

parentheses in the following sentence: (Growing potatoes) will
surely keep farmers busy for a long time to come.
a. prepositional phrase
b. appositive phrase
c. participial phrase
d. gerund phrase
e. inifinitive phrase

d. gerund phrase

which is a characteristic of a phrase

A it is a group of related words
B it is a complete thought
C it contains a subject and a verb
D it stands on its own

The phrase "Growing potatoes" is an example of a gerund phrase. Therefore, the correct answer is d. gerund phrase.

To determine the answer, we need to identify the phrase in parentheses and then categorize it according to the given options. Let's break down the sentence:

"(Growing potatoes) will surely keep farmers busy for a long time to come."

The phrase in parentheses is "Growing potatoes."

Now let's go through the options one by one and see which one best describes the phrase:

a. Prepositional phrase: Prepositional phrases typically start with a preposition and function as modifiers. For example, "in the box" or "on the table." The phrase "Growing potatoes" does not start with a preposition, so this option is not correct.

b. Appositive phrase: An appositive phrase renames or identifies a noun or pronoun that comes just before it. For example, "My friend Tony, a doctor." The phrase "Growing potatoes" does not directly refer to or rename anything, so this option is not correct.

c. Participial phrase: A participial phrase is made up of a participle (a verb form ending in -ing or -ed) and its modifiers. For example, "Walking quickly down the street." The phrase "Growing potatoes" fits this description, as "Growing" is a participle and "potatoes" is its object. Therefore, option c, "participial phrase," is the correct answer.

d. Gerund phrase: A gerund phrase is a phrase that begins with a gerund (a verb form that ends in -ing and functions as a noun). For example, "Eating ice cream is my favorite hobby." In the given sentence, "Growing potatoes" is not functioning as a noun, but rather as a verb phrase. Therefore, option d, "gerund phrase," is not the correct answer.

e. Infinitive phrase: An infinitive phrase is made up of an infinitive verb (to + base form of a verb) and its modifiers. For example, "To swim in the ocean is my dream." The phrase "Growing potatoes" is not an infinitive phrase because it does not include the word "to." Therefore, option e, "infinitive phrase," is not the correct answer.

To recap, the phrase in parentheses, "Growing potatoes," is categorized as a participial phrase, making option c the correct answer.