Write 25/6 as a decimal. If necessary, use a bar to indicate which digit or group of digits repeats.

25/6 as a decimal is 4.1666666... (with the digit 6 repeating).

Write 0.7 as a percentage.

(b) Write 43.2% as a decimal.

(a) 0.7 as a percentage is 70%.

(b) 43.2% as a decimal is 0.432.

Write 0.0037 as a percentage.

(b) Write 720% as a decimal.

(a) 0.0037 as a percentage is 0.37%.

(b) 720% as a decimal is 7.2.

x+ y = 8

Simplify your answer as much as possible.

Substituting x = 5 in the equation x + y = 8, we get:

5 + y = 8

Subtracting 5 from both sides, we get:

y = 3

Therefore, the solution to the equation x + y = 8 with x = 5 is y = 3.