A bus travels 42 km with 6 liters of petrol. How many liters of petrol does is need for a distance of 413km?

Let x be the amount of petrol needed for a distance of 413 km.

We can set up a proportion:

6 liters is to 42 km as x liters is to 413 km

6/42 = x/413

To solve for x, we can cross-multiply:

6 * 413 = 42 * x

2478 = 42x

Dividing both sides by 42:

x = 59 liters

Therefore, the bus needs 59 liters of petrol for a distance of 413 km.

To find out how many liters of petrol the bus needs for a distance of 413 km, we can set up a proportion using the given information:

Distance 1 / Petrol 1 = Distance 2 / Petrol 2

42 km / 6 liters = 413 km / Petrol 2

Cross multiplying, we get:

42 km * Petrol 2 = 6 liters * 413 km

Simplifying, we have:

Petrol 2 = (6 liters * 413 km) / 42 km

Petrol 2 = 2478 liters / 42 km

Petrol 2 = 58.85714 liters

Therefore, the bus will need approximately 58.9 liters of petrol for a distance of 413 km.