22. Construct an argument for or against the following statement: (5 points)

Statement: The use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in food production is necessary to feed the world's growing population.

Argument For: The world's population is rapidly increasing, and current food production methods may not be sufficient to meet the demand for food. GMOs have been scientifically proven to increase crop yields and produce crops that are resistant to pests and drought. This means that farmers can produce more food on less land, which will help to feed more people. In addition, GMOs can be fortified with essential nutrients, which can help to prevent malnutrition in developing countries. Without the use of GMOs, it will be difficult to feed the world's growing population, especially in areas with limited resources.

Argument Against: While GMOs may increase crop yields, there are many concerns about their safety and long-term effects on the environment and human health. GMOs are often engineered to be resistant to herbicides, which can lead to the overuse of chemicals in agriculture and contribute to the development of superbugs and superweeds. In addition, the effects of consuming GMOs on human health are still not fully understood, and many people are concerned about the potential risks of consuming genetically modified foods. Finally, GMOs may have negative impacts on biodiversity and the natural ecosystem, as they can potentially crossbreed with wild plants and upset the natural balance. Thus, the use of GMOs in food production should be limited, and alternative solutions should be explored to feed the world's growing population.

16. Which of the following is an example of a totalitarian government? (1 point)

O a government that allows citizens to run for office
a government that allows citizens to be represented in government
O a government that controls religion as well as what products are for sale
O a government that allows protesting of unfair policies

A government that controls religion as well as what products are for sale.

Statement: "Technology makes people more isolated and less connected."

Argument against the statement:

1. Introduction - Technology has transformed the way we communicate and interact, providing various platforms for connection and socialization.

2. Improved Connectivity - Technology, particularly the internet and social media, has made it easier to establish connections with individuals around the world. We can effortlessly connect with friends, family, and colleagues, irrespective of their location or time zone. This has broken down barriers of distance and improved connectivity.

3. Expanded Social Networks - Through the use of technology, people have the opportunity to expand their social networks. Social media platforms enable us to connect with like-minded individuals who share similar interests. We can join online communities, participate in discussions, and form meaningful connections with people we may not have had the chance to meet otherwise.

4. Enhanced Communication - Technology has revolutionized communication methods, allowing for instant and constant connection. Through video calls, messaging apps, and social media platforms, we can easily stay in touch with loved ones, even if they reside in different parts of the world. This enhances relationships and provides a constant support system.

5. Access to Information - Technology has made information more accessible than ever before. We can easily educate ourselves on a wide range of topics, engage in online debates, and gain knowledge through online courses. This access to information helps us connect with others who share our interests and engage in meaningful conversations.

6. Counter-Argument - While it is true that technology can sometimes lead to isolation or excessive attachment to screens, it ultimately depends on individual choices and usage. Technology itself is neutral and can be used for both isolation and connection. It is up to individuals to determine how they want to utilize technology and strike a balance between virtual and real-world interactions.

7. Conclusion - While there are instances where technology can foster isolation, it is not entirely accurate to claim that technology makes people more isolated and less connected. In fact, technology has significantly transformed the way we connect, allowing us to establish and strengthen relationships across distances, expand our social networks, and access information, ultimately fostering increased connectivity.