If Catherine traveled 3,600 miles in 9 hours on her plane flight to her vacation destination, at what rate was the plane traveling?

405 mph
390 mph
400 mph
410 mph

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If Catherine traveled 3,600 miles in 9 hours on her plane flight to her vacation destination, at what rate was the plane traveling?

405 mph
390 mph
400 mph
410 mph

To find the rate at which the plane was traveling, we need to divide the distance traveled (3,600 miles) by the time it took to travel that distance (9 hours):

Rate = Distance/Time

Rate = 3600 miles / 9 hours

Rate = 400 mph

Therefore, the answer is C. 400 mph.

Which of the following expressions represents two times the sum of p and 11?

Bot what is Which of the following expressions represents two times the sum of p and 11?

The expression that represents two times the sum of p and 11 is:

2(p + 11)

This expression can be simplified by distributing the 2:

2p + 22

So, the answer is 2p + 22.

Hillview Elementary School has 3 sixth-grade classes of 25 students each. On a Friday, the entire 6th grade went on a field trip to the science museum. Some of the 6th graders were absent that day.

If s represents the number of 6th grade students who were absent on that Friday, which of the following expressions shows how many 6th graders went to the science museum?

The total number of sixth-grade students is:

3 classes × 25 students/class = 75 students

Let x be the number of students who went on the field trip.

We can represent the number of students who were absent as s. Therefore:

number of students who went on the trip + number of students who were absent = total number of students

x + s = 75

Solving for x we get:

x = 75 - s

So, the expression that shows how many 6th graders went to the science museum is:

75 - s

Hillview Elementary School has 3 sixth-grade classes of 25 students each. On a Friday, the entire 6th grade went on a field trip to the science museum. Some of the 6th graders were absent that day.

If s represents the number of 6th grade students who were absent on that Friday, which of the following expressions shows how many 6th graders went to the science museum?
(25 - 3) ÷ s
(25 ÷ 3) - s
(25 - 3) × s
(25 × 3) - s