Which technologies and conditions made World War I a new kind of war? Select all that apply.

trench warfare
field hospitals and medics
gunpowder and cannons
heavy naval combat
poison gas
rapid-fire machine guns

trench warfare

gunpowder and cannons
poison gas
rapid-fire machine guns

The technologies and conditions that made World War I a new kind of war include:

1. Trench warfare: Trenches became a defining feature of World War I, with soldiers digging elaborate networks of trenches to protect themselves from enemy fire. This led to prolonged stalemates and a war of attrition.

2. Gunpowder and cannons: While gunpowder and cannons were not new to warfare, the advancements in artillery during World War I significantly increased their destructive power.

3. Poison gas: The use of poison gas, such as chlorine and mustard gas, was a horrifying and deadly innovation during World War I. It led to widespread suffering and casualties on the battlefield.

4. Rapid-fire machine guns: The introduction of rapid-fire machine guns, such as the Maxim gun, revolutionized warfare. These weapons could mow down large numbers of soldiers quickly, making frontal assaults extremely dangerous.

Field hospitals and medics, heavy naval combat, and gunpowder and cannons were not exclusive to World War I and have been present in previous wars as well. Therefore, they do not specifically contribute to World War I being a new kind of war.