In this portfolio, you will develop an oral presentation that answers a research question. You will present your claim and findings and support them with evidence. You will add visual components to help listeners understand your findings. You will differentiate between the speech used in everyday conversation and the speech needed for a formal presentation. Finally, you will learn to use your voice and body to connect with your audience and convey your key ideas.

Your research question/topic should interest you, but also think about what might appeal to your audience. The research question/topic is your choice.

*A minimum of ten slides with three sentences or pieces of information on the slide.
*Think about your presentation being equivalent to a five paragraph essay. Five sentences per paragraph would be about twenty five sentences.

Presentation Title: The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health

Slide 1: Introduction
- Attention Getter: Imagine scrolling through your social media feed and seeing posts that negatively affect your mental health.
- Thesis Statement: Social media has a profound impact on our mental health and overall well-being.
- Overview: In this presentation, I will discuss the ways social media affects our mental health, the different types of impacts it has, and offer solutions to reduce these negative effects.

Slide 2: Definition and Statistics
- Definition: Social media refers to online platforms that allow people to connect and share information.
- Statistics: 1 in 5 adults report using social media to cope with feelings of loneliness, anxiety, and depression.

Slide 3: Positive Impacts of Social Media on Mental Health
- Connection: Allows individuals to connect with others who share their interests and experiences. Can reduce feelings of isolation and loneliness.
- Education: Provides information and resources for mental health issues and support groups.
- Awareness: Raises awareness and decreases stigma around mental health issues.

Slide 4: Negative Impacts of Social Media on Mental Health
- Comparison: Seeing other people's highlight reels can lead to feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem.
- Cyberbullying: Experiencing or witnessing cyberbullying can lead to anxiety and depression.
- Addiction: Excessive use of social media can lead to addiction, poor sleep, and exacerbate mental health problems.

Slide 5: Solutions to Reduce Negative Impacts
- Limit Screen Time: Limit the amount of time spent on social media, especially before bed.
- Curate Social Media Feed: Unfollow accounts that negatively affect your mental health and follow accounts that make you feel happy and supported.
- Seek Support: Reach out to friends, family, or professional support when experiencing negative impacts from social media.

Slide 6: Personal Story
- Share a personal experience or story that relates to the research question/topic.

Slide 7: Evidence from Studies
- Share results from research studies that have investigated the impact of social media on mental health.

Slide 8: Strategies for Healthy Social Media Use
- Commenting positively: Leave supportive comments on posts.
- Share helpful resources: Share resources for coping with mental health issues
- Encourage breaks: Encourage others on social media to take a break or limit their time on the platform.

Slide 9: Conclusion
- Restate Thesis: Social media has a profound impact on mental health.
- Summary of Key Points: There are both positive and negative impacts of social media on mental health, and we can reduce the negative impacts by limiting screen time, curating our social media feeds, and seeking support.
- Call to Action: Encourage the audience to reconsider their social media use and be mindful of its impact on their well-being.

Slide 10: Works Cited
- List the sources used in the presentation.


You're welcome!

Step 1: Choose a Research Question/Topic

1. Start by brainstorming ideas for your research question/topic. Consider subjects that interest you and that you think would engage your audience.
2. Narrow down your options and choose a specific research question/topic that can be addressed within the scope of your portfolio presentation.
3. Make sure your research question/topic is clear, focused, and allows for the presentation of a claim and supporting evidence.

Step 2: Develop your Oral Presentation
1. Start your presentation with an engaging introduction that captures the attention of your audience and clearly states your research question/topic.
2. Clearly state your claim or thesis related to your research question/topic. This will be the main argument or point you are trying to convey throughout your presentation.
3. Organize your presentation logically, with each slide representing a key point or supporting evidence for your claim.
4. Use visuals, such as graphs, charts, or images, to help illustrate your findings and make it easier for your audience to understand complex information.
5. Ensure that each slide contains at least three sentences or pieces of information, which will provide enough detail to support your claim effectively.
6. Conclude your presentation by summarizing your findings and restating your claim, emphasizing how the evidence you presented supports your claim.

Step 3: Differentiate between Everyday Conversation and Formal Presentation Speech
1. Recognize that the speech used in everyday conversation is more casual, informal, and may include slang, contractions, and personal anecdotes.
2. Understand that for a formal presentation, your speech should be more professional, containing complete sentences, proper grammar, and a neutral tone.
3. Practice adjusting your speech to ensure you are using appropriate language and tone when delivering your presentation.

Step 4: Use Voice and Body Language to Connect with Audience
1. Understand the importance of using your voice effectively to engage your audience. This includes varying your pitch, volume, and pace to keep the presentation interesting and maintain audience attention.
2. Practice using gestures and body language to enhance your message and convey confidence and engagement with your topic.
3. Make eye contact with your audience and project your voice to ensure that everyone can hear you clearly.

Step 5: Meet the Requirements
1. Create a minimum of ten slides, each with at least three sentences or pieces of information.
2. Plan to have a presentation length that is equivalent to a five-paragraph essay, with an estimated twenty-five sentences in total.

Remember to carefully research your chosen topic and gather relevant evidence to support your claim. Thoroughly practice your presentation to ensure a clear and impactful delivery. Good luck!