20. Explain how experiments in class proved the particle theory to be true.

As an AI language model, I don't have access to any specific classroom experiments. However, here are some general experiments that might have been conducted in the classroom:

1. Brownian Motion Experiment: This experiment demonstrates the random and continuous motion of particles. In this experiment, small particles like pollen or smoke are added to water and observed under a microscope, and their constant movement is seen as they collide with each other.

2. Diffusion Experiment: Diffusion is the process by which particles move from a region of high concentration to a region of low concentration. In this experiment, a drop of food coloring is added to a glass of water and the movement of molecules is observed. The food coloring molecules move randomly to progressively lower concentration areas until they are evenly distributed throughout the water.

By observing this particle movement, the particle theory is confirmed. It indicates that particles are in constant motion, and that this motion is responsible for phenomena such as diffusion, dissolving, and collisions. These experiments have helped the scientific world to better understand particle behavior and consequences on macroscopic phenomena.

Experiments conducted in class played a crucial role in proving the particle theory to be true. Here are the steps involved in these experiments:

1. Diffusion: One of the experiments involves observing the diffusion of substances. In a closed container, a volatile substance such as ammonia is introduced on one side, while another less volatile substance such as chlorine is introduced on the other side. Over time, both substances will mix evenly throughout the container. This observation supports the particle theory by demonstrating that substances consist of tiny particles (atoms or molecules) that move and spread out randomly.

2. Brownian motion: Another experiment that supports the particle theory is the observation of Brownian motion. In this experiment, a drop of liquid (e.g., milk) is added to a microscope slide, and tiny particles (e.g., pollen) are sprinkled over it. When observed under a high-powered microscope, the small pollen particles appear to be moving in an erratic and random manner. This movement is caused by the constant collisions between the water molecules and the pollen particles. The experiment demonstrates that particles are in constant motion, further validating the particle theory.

3. Boyle's Law: Boyle's Law is an experiment that demonstrates the behavior of gases and supports the particle theory. In this experiment, a sealed container containing gas is connected to a pressure gauge. As the volume of the container is decreased (e.g., by squeezing the container), the pressure of the gas increases. This behavior can be explained by the particle theory, which states that gases consist of individual particles with distinct volumes that collide with each other and the walls of the container. As the volume decreases, the particles collide more frequently, resulting in increased pressure.

4. Conservation of Mass: An experiment that supports the particle theory and the concept of conservation of mass is the burning of a candle. When a candle burns, it gradually reduces in size and eventually extinguishes. By carefully weighing the candle before and after it burns, it can be observed that the mass of the candle decreases. This decrease in mass can be explained by the particle theory, which suggests that the particles in the candle react with oxygen in the air to form new substances, such as carbon dioxide and water vapor. The experiment demonstrates that matter is composed of particles and that these particles are conserved during chemical reactions.

These experiments, along with numerous others, provide evidence that supports the particle theory by demonstrating the behavior and properties of particles in different substances.