Julie had $237 to spend. She returned a calculator and received a $128 refund. She then bought a chair for $62.

How much money in dollars and cents did Julie have to spend after buying the chair?

Julie had $237 + $128 = $365 after receiving the refund.

After buying the chair, she had $365 - $62 = $303 to spend. Answer: \boxed{303}.

To determine how much money Julie had to spend after buying the chair, we need to subtract the cost of the chair from the total amount she had originally.

Julie had $237 - $128 refund = $<<237-128=109>>109 left after returning the calculator.
After buying the chair, Julie had $109 - $62 = $<<109-62=47>>47.

Therefore, Julie had $47 left to spend after buying the chair.