Give three solutions to this inequality: p + 2 > 42

1. Subtract 2 from both sides: p > 40

2. Rewrite as p > 41 - 1: p > 41
3. Multiply both sides by -1 and flip the inequality sign: -p - 2 < -42, then simplify to -p < -40 and finally multiply by -1 and flip the inequality sign again to get p > 40.

To solve the inequality p + 2 > 42, we need to isolate the variable p on one side of the equation. Here are three solutions:

Solution 1:
Step 1: Subtract 2 from both sides of the inequality: p + 2 - 2 > 42 - 2
Simplified: p > 40

Solution 2:
Step 1: Subtract 2 from both sides of the inequality: p > 42 - 2
Simplified: p > 40

Solution 3:
Step 1: Subtract 2 from both sides of the inequality: p > 42 - 2
Step 2: Simplify the right side of the inequality: p > 40

Therefore, the three solutions to the inequality p + 2 > 42 are: p > 40.