How would you say that a program bores you in Spanish?

A. me interesa
B. me duele
C. me encanta
D. me aburre

D. Me aburre.

Which verb form best completes the following sentence?

A Juan_______ los programas infantiles.
A. les encanta
B. me encanta
C. nos encanta
D. le encantan

D. Le encantan.

Which Spanish word would you use to say that a film was emotionally moving?

A. emocionante
B. fascinante
C. realista
D. violento

A. Emocionante.

D. Me aburre

The correct answer is D. "me aburre".

If you want to say that a program bores you in Spanish, you can use the phrase "me aburre". To understand this, let's break it down:

- "Me" is a pronoun that means "me" or "to me".
- "Aburre" is the third person singular form of the verb "aburrir", which means "to bore".

So, "me aburre" translates directly to "it bores me" or "I am bored by it".

To arrive at this answer, you can eliminate the other options:

- "Me interesa" means "it interests me" or "I am interested in it", so it is the opposite of being bored.
- "Me duele" means "it hurts me" or "I am in pain", which is unrelated to being bored by a program.
- "Me encanta" means "it enchants me" or "I love it", which is the opposite of being bored.

Therefore, the correct answer to express being bored by a program in Spanish would be "me aburre".