This portfolio asks for 3 sketches that show each of the 3 types of balance listed in the lesson.

One of the 3 should be colored and finished.
You NOT required to complete and submit the worksheet.
Please make sure you save the blank worksheet FIRST. Then open and type and save again. Double check to see if it saved before submitting. If the saved worksheet looks blank, your computer is having issues saving your work so I recommend either taking a screen shot of the completed worksheet OR writing your answers on paper and turning in a photo of the paper OR typing the answers into a Word document.
You are submitting a total of 4 items for a grade: 3 sketches and one colored in.
The worksheet is not required.

As an AI language model, I don't have the ability to create sketches. Nonetheless, here are the descriptions that might help you create sketches:

1) Symmetrical Balance: Show a sketch of a butterfly with mirrored wings on either side. This creates a symmetrical balance in the image.

2) Asymmetrical Balance: Sketch a tree on the right side of the image, with a bench on the left side. While the tree may be larger, the bench has enough small details to balance out the composition.

3) Radial Balance: Draw a circle and divide it into six segments. In each segment, draw a different flower. This will create a radial balance wherein the flowers radiate out from the center.

4) Colored sketch: Take any of the three sketches above and color it in. Remember to utilize colors that complement each other and not clash. Try to add depth and dimension to the image through shading.

To complete this task, you need to create three sketches that show each of the three types of balance listed in the lesson. One of the sketches should be colored and finished.

Here are the steps you can follow:

1. Gather your art supplies: pencils, eraser, sketchbook, and coloring materials (such as colored pencils, markers, or watercolors).

2. Start with the first type of balance, which is symmetrical balance. This type of balance occurs when the objects on both sides of the composition are identical or very similar. Sketch a design that demonstrates symmetrical balance, such as a butterfly with identical wings on both sides. You can sketch lightly at first and then refine your lines as you go.

3. Move on to the second type of balance, which is asymmetrical balance. This type of balance occurs when the objects on both sides of the composition are different in size, shape, or color, but still visually balanced. Sketch a design that demonstrates asymmetrical balance, such as a tree with a larger branch on one side and smaller branches on the other side.

4. Finally, work on the third type of balance, which is radial balance. This type of balance occurs when the objects radiate out from a central point. Sketch a design that demonstrates radial balance, such as a sunflower with its petals radiating outward from the center.

5. Once you have completed your three sketches, choose one of them to color and finish. Use your coloring materials to add color and details to enhance the sketch. Make sure to choose colors that complement each other and enhance the overall balance of the composition.

6. Review your sketches and colored design to make any necessary adjustments or refinements.

7. Save your completed sketches and colored design in a digital format, if possible. If you are unable to save it digitally, consider taking a photo or scanning them to create a digital version.

8. Submit your three sketches and one colored design as separate files for grading.

Remember to follow any specific instructions provided by your portfolio or teacher, and ensure your work is saved and submitted correctly.