3. Why does the current Constitution of Texas divide power in the executive branch? (1 point)

This guarantees that no individual or agency has more power than another.

OA divided executive branch means that decisions are made more swiftly.

The governor is only a figurehead and has no real power.

Texas has a long history of strong central government.

This guarantees that no individual or agency has more power than another.

The current Constitution of Texas divides power in the executive branch to ensure that no individual or agency has more power than another. This division of power is designed to prevent the concentration of authority and promote a system of checks and balances. By distributing power among different branches and agencies within the executive branch, decision-making processes can be more balanced and fair. This system also helps prevent abuses of power and allows for greater accountability. However, it is worth noting that the governor of Texas does hold significant power, although the division of power ensures that they are not an unchecked authority.