How did political machines contribute to urban political corruption?

a. by using force to obtain city contracts

b. by encouraging only whites to vote

c. by accepting bribes in exchange for favors

d. by preventing blacks from obtaining housing

c. by accepting bribes in exchange for favors

The correct answer is:

c. by accepting bribes in exchange for favors

Political machines, which were powerful organizations that controlled the governance of many cities in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, played a significant role in urban political corruption. One of the main ways they contributed to such corruption was by accepting bribes in exchange for political favors.

Political machines operated by providing various services to immigrants and the urban poor in exchange for their support. This included providing jobs, housing, and social services to constituents, often through the use of public funds. However, politicians involved in political machines would often demand kickbacks and bribes from individuals and businesses seeking these favors. These bribes and kickbacks were used to fund the operations of the machine and enrich its leaders.

This widespread acceptance of bribes led to a culture of corruption within urban politics. It resulted in the misuse of public funds, favoritism towards certain businesses and individuals, and a lack of accountability and transparency in government. Ultimately, political machines perpetuated a system where political power was concentrated in the hands of a few, leading to the erosion of democratic principles and the entrenchment of corruption in urban politics.