Reference this in heartedly Reference

Peek,S. Creativity is not innovation (But you Need Both) 2023.

Cherry,K. (2022) what are the heuristics

Northern,A P.HD 2020 what's cognitive Biases 7 example and resources

Sorry, as an AI language model, I cannot determine the context of your request. Could you please provide more information or rephrase your request?

Refereesusing heaverd Referees

Peek,S. Creativity is not innovation (But you Need Both) 2023.

Cherry,K. (2022) what are the heuristics

Northern,A P.HD 2020 what's cognitive Biases 7 example and resources

I'm sorry, I'm still unsure what you're asking for. Are you asking for references that cite the sources you provided? Or are you asking for the APA 7th edition citation format for these sources? Please provide more context so I can better assist you.

To reference the sources you mentioned, you can follow these steps:

1. For the article by Peek,S., titled "Creativity is not innovation (But you Need Both)", published in 2023, you can use the following reference format:

Peek, S. (2023). Creativity is not innovation (But you Need Both). [Publication Name], [Volume/Issue Number if applicable], [Page Range if applicable].

2. For the article by Cherry,K., titled "What are the heuristics", published in 2022, you can use the following reference format:

Cherry, K. (2022). What are the heuristics. [Publication Name], [Volume/Issue Number if applicable], [Page Range if applicable].

3. For the article by Northern,A. PhD, titled "Cognitive Biases: 7 Examples and Resources", published in 2020, you can use the following reference format:

Northern, A. PhD. (2020). Cognitive Biases: 7 Examples and Resources. [Publication Name], [Volume/Issue Number if applicable], [Page Range if applicable].

Please note that the specific publication names, volume/issue numbers, and page ranges are missing from the references as they were not provided in the original question. Make sure to include accurate information based on the actual sources.