In Wednesday Wars

-How did each of his family members react to him seeking an ally? Discuss each person’s reaction separately.

Mother: Mrs. Baker's mother was the only adult around who was available to Holling when he needed an ally. At first, she was cautious because she didn't know him. But as they talked, Mrs. Baker's mother eased up and listened to Holling. Later, Holling's mother was grateful to Mrs. Baker for looking after Holling. She even invited her over for tea and made her a member of the family. She approved of Holling's efforts to make friends and find allies because she wanted him to become more social and outgoing.

Father: Holling's father was a successful businessman and was always busy with his work. He was always critical of Holling for not being as successful or ambitious as him. When Holling asked him to be his ally, his father was dismissive and didn't take him seriously. He thought that Holling was trying to be funny and sarcastic. He told him that the only ally he needed was his father and that he should focus on being a successful businessman like him.

Sister: Holling's sister was the only person in his family who was supportive of his search for an ally. She even tried to help him out by introducing him to her friends and inviting him to parties. She understood that Holling was lonely and needed someone to talk to. She noticed that he was different from other kids and appreciated him for his uniqueness. She even defended him when their father criticized him. She wanted him to be happy and accepted for who he was.

In the book "Wednesday Wars" by Gary D. Schmidt, the main character, Holling Hoodhood, seeks an ally to help him deal with his struggles. Let's discuss how each of his family members reacts to this:

Mother: Holling's mother is initially concerned about his request to seek an ally. She worries about his safety and advises caution. She wants him to be careful about whom he chooses as an ally and reminds him that sometimes people can disappoint. Despite her concerns, she ultimately gives him permission to find an ally, understanding that it is important for him to have someone to rely on.

Father: Holling's father, a stern and authoritative figure, is not particularly supportive of the idea of Holling seeking an ally. He believes that Holling should handle his problems independently and become stronger by facing them on his own. His father does not understand Holling's need for support and cautions him against relying on others.

Sister: Holling's sister, Heather, shows a bit of indifference toward Holling's request to find an ally. She seems preoccupied with her own interests and dismisses his concerns, focusing more on her teenage interests and friendships. While she doesn't actively discourage him, she doesn't offer any support or interest in his search for an ally either.

Overall, Holling's family members have different reactions to his decision to seek an ally. While his mother is concerned but supportive, his father opposes the idea, and his sister appears indifferent. These varied reactions highlight the different perspectives within the family and highlight the challenges Holling faces as he seeks support.