Predict from random survey data

in a random sample survey of 240 voters, 128 said they would vote for candidate A in an upcoming election.
there are 18,472 registered votes. Based on the data from the random survey, which BEST predicts the number of actual votes that will be cast for candidate A?

A) 53%
B) 58%
C) 49%
D) 63%

B) 58%

could u explain the answer in 1-2 sentences pls?

The percentage of voters who said they would vote for candidate A in the random survey was 53.33% (128 out of 240). To predict the number of actual votes, this percentage is applied to the total number of registered voters (18,472), resulting in approximately 10,770 votes for candidate A, which is closest to option B (58%).

To predict the number of actual votes that will be cast for candidate A, we need to find the percentage of voters who said they would vote for candidate A in the random sample survey and apply it to the total number of registered votes.

Step 1: Calculate the percentage of voters who would vote for candidate A in the random sample.
Percentage in random sample = (Number of voters for candidate A / Total number of voters in the random sample) * 100
Percentage in random sample = (128 / 240) * 100
Percentage in random sample ≈ 53.33%

Step 2: Apply the percentage to the total number of registered votes.
Number of actual votes for candidate A = (Percentage in random sample / 100) * Total number of registered votes
Number of actual votes for candidate A ≈ (53.33 / 100) * 18,472
Number of actual votes for candidate A ≈ 9,840

Therefore, the best prediction for the number of actual votes that will be cast for candidate A is approximately 9,840 votes.

Based on the answer choices, the closest option is A) 53%.