Mention key figures in the Chernobyl accident were and what

Viktor Bryukhanov did

The key figures in the Chernobyl accident were:

1. Viktor Bryukhanov: He was the plant director at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant. He was responsible for the overall management of the plant and was in charge of making critical decisions during the accident.

2. Anatoly Dyatlov: He was the deputy chief engineer in charge of the safety of the plant. He was responsible for carrying out the experiment that led to the explosion.

3. Nikolai Fomin: He was the chief engineer at the plant and was responsible for ensuring the safety of the reactor.

4. Leonid Toptunov: He was the senior reactor control engineer and was responsible for controlling the reactor during the experiment.

5. Viktor Akimov: He was the shift supervisor on duty during the accident and was responsible for managing the personnel at the plant.

During the accident, Viktor Bryukhanov initially tried to downplay the severity of the situation and delayed evacuating the nearby town of Pripyat. He also failed to inform the Soviet government about the accident until several hours after it occurred. Additionally, he did not take appropriate measures to contain the spread of radiation from the damaged reactor, which resulted in widespread contamination. As a result of his actions, Bryukhanov was convicted of gross negligence and sentenced to ten years in prison.

Key figures in the Chernobyl accident were:

1. Viktor Bryukhanov: He was the plant director at the time of the accident. Bryukhanov did not personally take part in the decisions that led to the explosion at the reactor, but he was responsible for the overall management and safety of the plant. After the accident, Bryukhanov was held accountable and sentenced to 10 years in prison for his role.

2. Anatoly Dyatlov: He was the deputy chief engineer in charge of the experiment that triggered the explosion. Dyatlov was one of the main individuals responsible for the decisions made during the test, which violated safety protocols. He was among the few who survived the initial explosion and was also held accountable for his actions. Dyatlov was sentenced to 10 years in prison but was released after serving 3 years due to health issues.

3. Aleksandr Akimov: He was the shift supervisor on duty during the night shift when the accident occurred. Akimov was directly involved in the execution of the test that caused the explosion. He and his colleagues received faulty information about the reactor's behavior and incorrectly interpreted the readings, leading to the disaster. Akimov died from acute radiation sickness two weeks after the accident.

It is important to note that these individuals were not the only ones responsible for the Chernobyl accident, as it was the result of a combination of flawed reactor design, inadequate training, and a culture of secrecy and covering up mistakes within the Soviet nuclear industry.