Simplify the radical expression.


A. 8x^7 y^4 √xy / √7xy^11
B. 3x^7 / y
C. 9x^7 / y
D. 9x^7y

C. 9x^7 / y

Since they said "radical expression" I assume they meant

= √(9x^14/y^2)
= 3x^7/y
So, B

To simplify the radical expression √(63x^15y^9) / (7xy^11), we can start by splitting the numerator and denominator into separate square roots:

√(63x^15y^9) / (7xy^11) = (√(63) √(x^15) √(y^9)) / (√(7) √(x) √(y^11))

Next, we can simplify the square roots of each factor:

√63 = √(9*7) = √9 * √7 = 3√7
√x^15 = √(x^14 * x) = x^7 * √x
√y^9 = √(y^8 * y) = y^4 * √y
√7 = √7
√x = √x
√y^11 = √(y^10 * y) = y^5 * √y

Substituting these simplified square roots back into the original expression:

(3√7 x^7 y^4 √x √y) / (7xy^5 √x √y)

Now, we can cancel out common terms in the numerator and denominator:

(3√7 x^7 y^4 √x √y) / (7xy^5 √x √y) = (3√7 x^7 y^4) / (7xy^5)

Lastly, we can simplify the expression by canceling out the common terms:

(3√7 x^7 y^4) / (7xy^5) = 3x^7 y^4 / 7y^5 = 3/7 * x^7 / y

Therefore, the simplified radical expression is option B: 3x^7 / y.

To simplify the given radical expression, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Simplify the numerator and the denominator separately.
√63 can be simplified as follows:
√(9 x 7) = √9 x √7 = 3√7

x^15 can be rewritten using the rule of exponents:
x^15 = x^(3 x 5) = (x^3)^5 = x^3 x x^3 x x^3 x x^3 x x^3 = x^3 x x^3 x x^3 x x^3 x x^3

y^9 can be rewritten similarly:
y^9 = y^(3 x 3) = (y^3)^3 = y^3 x y^3 x y^3

Step 2: Simplify the expression further by canceling common factors between the numerator and the denominator.
Canceling common factors:
(3√7x^3y^3) / (7xy^11)

Step 3: Simplify the expression by removing any duplicate variables.
Removing duplicate variables:
(3√7x^3y^3) / (7xy^11) = (3√7x^(3-1)y^(3-11)) / 7 = (3√7x^2 / 7y^8)

So, simplifying the given radical expression, we get:
√63x^15y^9 / 7xy^11 = (3√7x^2 / 7y^8)

Therefore, the correct answer is:
A. 8x^7 y^4 √xy / √7xy^11