Cassandra is interested in setting up a digital sketchbook for both her visual and verbal thoughts and ideas. How could she go about doing this?

A. Simply add to her finished work portfolio with a section of text and images that she finds inspiring
B. Set up a special portfolio separate from her finished work portfolio with text and images, organized however she wants
C. Organize her thoughts and ideas alphabetically in a folder on her desktop
D. Organize text and images that she finds inspiring by date first and then by subject in a special section of her finished work portfolio

B. Set up a special portfolio separate from her finished work portfolio with text and images, organized however she wants

Cassandra can set up a digital sketchbook for her visual and verbal thoughts and ideas by following these steps:

1. Choose a platform: Cassandra can decide whether she wants to use a specific application or software for her digital sketchbook, or simply organize her files on her computer. Some popular options include Adobe Photoshop, Procreate, Microsoft OneNote, Evernote, or even a simple folder structure on her computer.

2. Create a dedicated section: Cassandra should consider creating a separate section specifically for her digital sketchbook. This will help keep her thoughts and ideas organized and easily accessible.

3. Choose an organization method: Cassandra can decide how she wants to organize her digital sketchbook. There are several options:

- A. Simply add to her existing finished work portfolio: One option is to add a section to her current portfolio where she can include both text and images that inspire her. This allows her to keep everything in one place.

- B. Set up a separate portfolio: Another option is to create a separate digital sketchbook portfolio. Here, Cassandra can organize her thoughts and ideas however she wants, separate from her finished work. This gives her more flexibility in organizing and categorizing her content.

- C. Organize on the desktop: Cassandra can also choose to organize her digital sketchbook by creating a folder on her desktop. She can sort her thoughts and ideas alphabetically or by any other method that suits her needs.

- D. Organize by date and subject: Finally, if Cassandra prefers, she can organize her text and images by date first and then by subject. This could be done in a special section of her finished work portfolio or in a separate portfolio dedicated to her digital sketchbook.

4. Add visual and verbal content: Cassandra can start adding her visual and verbal thoughts and ideas to her digital sketchbook. This can include sketches, illustrations, text, photographs, or any other media that inspires her.

Remember, the method chosen largely depends on Cassandra's personal preferences and needs. It's important to find a system that works best for her in order to keep her digital sketchbook organized and easily accessible.