Interpret the common message contained in Marge Piercy's and alt hitman's poems.

A- Manual "blue-collar" laborers have benefits not experienced by "white-collar" workers who only work intellectually
B- Honest work is good for a person emotionally, physically, and mentally.
C- A peson's heritage is part of his or her values
D- Useful objects and useful people share one thing in common: genuine need

B- Honest work is good for a person emotionally, physically, and mentally.

To interpret the common message contained in Marge Piercy's and alt hitman's poems, we need to analyze the themes and main ideas presented in the poems. Unfortunately, the names of the poems or poets mentioned in your question, "Marge Piercy" and "alt hitman," do not match any known poems or poets. Therefore, without specific poems or more information, it is not possible to accurately interpret the common message between them. If you have any additional details or can provide the actual titles of the poems and their authors, I will be happy to help further.